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[A few hours after falling asleep, Fan finally woke up. It was about 9 am. He walked to the dining room and sat at the table. He was thinking about what he should have for breakfast. He went to the kitchen and opened the pantry. He looked through the pantry, looking for the pancake mix. Once he found it, he started getting ready to make breakfast. A few people walk in here and there, seemingly looking for test tube. Fan finally speaks up once tea kettle came in]

Fan: before you even look for her, shes outside making bot a gift..

Tea kettle: Oh! Thanks!

Fan: sure.

[He finished making breakfast and walked to the table to eat. He saw the knife and knew what to do immediately. He finished eating and grabbed the knife. He started to walk to Bot's room since they seemed to be sleeping in. He slowly opened the door and closes it. He walked up to Bot's sleeping body. He lifted his arm up and slowly started cutting their metal. A few wires were popping out every now and then. Sure, it was loud. But at least he completed his task. He found it fun and decided he should do it more often. As the knife went across their metal, it made a little screech. Not loud enough for test tube to hear though. Fan eventually walked out of the room and put the knife away. A few moments later, bot woke up and noticed the small scratch. Since it was only a little, they just assumed it was the bed or nightstand that could've given them that scratch. Bot makes a little sigh and walks to the bathroom to look at it more. When finished, she goes up to test tube and asks a question.

Bot: test tube?

Test tube: yeah?

Bot: do you know how i got these scratches..

[Test tube decides to take a closer look. It seems its worse than Bot thought. But incase it scares them, she keeps quiet]

Test tube: oh! uhm. Yeah I don't know.

Bot: oh uhm okay..

[Fan eventually comes outside. He sees the two talking and looks a bit scared that he's been caught. Test tube looks at him a bit suspicious. But she doesn't say anything but-]

Test tube: hi.

Fan: hi..!

Test tube: do you know how Bot got this scratch? It seems pretty bad. A few wires are sticking out..

Fan: oh. uh no I don't.

Test tube: alright..

[Test tube and Bot go back inside. Fan lets out a quiet "phew" once they go in. Fan thinks to himself]

Fan: I wonder if she knows it was me but she's not saying anything..

[and with that, he goes back inside to just chill.]

Keep breakingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora