yummy soup!

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(sorry it's been so long my computer sucks. Also uh cannibalism warning?)

[Fan finally took the things test tube put on his eyes off. It seemed to be duck tape. That's probably why it hurt so much to take off. He looked where his guts were. They weren't there anymore.. He looked around and couldn't find them anywhere. He stood up but because of what test tube replaced his guts with he felt soggy. He left her lab and went back to the hotel. He saw test tube making food. It looks like soup? He tapped her shoulder]

Test tube: *sigh* Hi.

Fan: What's in there..?

Test tube: uh. Meat, carrots, and yeah.

Fan: okay..

[He started walking back to his room. He ran into Bot. Bot hadn't seen him in what feels like forever..]

Bot: Fan? Where were you..?

Fan: Oh I uh- I went on the boat to visit contestants?

[Fan had no idea what to say as an excuse. He just said the first thing he could think of hoping Bot would believe him.]

Bot: Oh ok! Can we hang out?

Fan: Sure.. I think test tube is making dinner or something so if you're hungry just wait..

Bot: Can we make monster stories?

Fan: Alright..

[They went to Bot's room and started to get the stuff to make "monster stories." Fan was just going along with Bot in hope they don't figure out anything. Bot eventually finished and showed Fan]

Bot: Look what I made!

Fan: nice

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Fan: nice..

[Test tube called out for dinner. Everyone went to the dining room to eat. Fan started to eat and then he realized what the so called "meat" was.. It was his guts! Fan immediately stopped eating and left. He felt weird.. No one else knew it was his guts though, so they assumed he just wasn't hungry. He went back to his room and sat on his bed looking sick. He decided to ignore it and go to sleep. When he fell asleep, Test tube opened his door and decided to get some "payback" by cutting his arm off. She then left with his arm and put it in her lab.]

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