Broke out

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[Fan stayed up for a few hours. He really did start going insane like test tube wanted him to. He could barley speak anymore. He'd been eating food test tube knew he didn't like and he barley got any water. There wasn't much space in the closet. Test tube opened the door and gave fan more food. He ate it despite him not liking it since he was starving. Test tube left and when fan finished eating he had an idea. He started scratching the walls with pieces of his paper and wrote down the steps. He stood up and started trying to figure out how to unlock the door. It took an hour or so but he soon got it open. Now he just needed to find a way out of Test tube's lab. He started looking around and sure enough, he got out. He tried hiding the best he could so nobody saw him. He managed to escape and got outside. But just as he thought it was safe.. he got caught. It was Test tube.]

Test tube: So, you really thought I wasn't gonna figure it out? How dumb are you? Sure, you figured out how to escape the room, but you're still dumb thinking YOU could run away without me catching you? Pretty stupid of you.

Fan: Shut up.

Test tube: Excuse me?

Fan: SHUT. UP.

Test tube: Well golly, you're pretty mad. Maybe just go back inside the room and we'll be done hm?

[Fan just slapped her and ran off to hide. He didn't even know where he was going. He was just roaming since he's gone slightly insane. He found a bush and hid there. He looked around for test tube and ran back inside. If he was going to escape, he had to do one more thing..]

[Fan grabbed gasoline and a lighter and went upstairs. He was sure this had to be the last thing done.]

[He went inside Bot's room and grabbed them. He didn't care anymore. Bot was confused but didn't do anything since the trusted Fan. But it turns out, they should've never trusted him. He dragged them outside and threw them on the ground]

Bot: What are you doing?? [Bot didn't seem to know why he grabbed them or why he had the stuff he had. Fan didn't even know where Test tube went. She just disappeared. But Fan wasn't complaining. He finally had the chance to do what he's been wanting to do ever since he even helped make Bot.]

Fan: Nothing, Bot. Just close your eyes.

[Bot listened and closed their eyes. At least Fan wasn't trying to put gasoline in their eyes I guess. He started to pour the gasoline. He was just about to turn in the lighter until it randomly fell out of his hand. He looked behind him to see Test tube]


[Fan went quiet. He didn't know what to say.]

Test tube: Jesus.. Learn how to just get over stuff.

[Test tube helped Bot up and started bringing them back inside to clean them. After that she picked them up and laid them on their bed. She came back outside and dragged Fan inside. She just put him on the couch. It seemed Fan would quit it anyway. But he still had a goal to achieve.

[Heyo!! Sorry for the wait my laptop just sucks. I'm thinking of making a discord server if anyone is interested though! I put a lot of thought into this one so I hope ya like it! Thanks for reading!! <3]

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