I'll try tomorrow..!

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[In the middle of the night, TK sneaks into fan's room to check on him. She watches over him, wondering if she should wake him or not.. After a few minutes, she decides to wake him up. TK gently shakes his shoulder]

TK: fan.. come on, honey.. wake up.

[Fan doesn't budge. In fact, he didn't even look like he was gonna move any second. She couldn't tell if he was alive. The cuts weren't that bad so he couldn't be dead.. TK started to worry. What if he IS dead? No, no.. he surely can't. Impossible! TK shook him more, and he FINALLY started to wake up..]

TK: oh, thank god! I thought you were dead!

Fan: huh..? 

[Fan lets out a small yawn and looks at TK]

Fan: oh.. what are you doing in my room..?

TK: oh! i just uhm.. Wanted to check on you! See if you were doing alright. You alright?

Fan: yeah.. just.. get out?

TK: oh, yes, yeah, of course!

[TK walks out of the room as Fan sat up on his bed. He put his hand on the cuts and sighed. He didn't know if he should go apologize for what he did or not because he STILL gets the urge to hurt Bot. He sits in bed for awhile. He didn't check the time, he didn't move, he just sat, and sat, and sat. He usually apologizes for what he does but in THIS situation where he keeps wanting to do what he did, it's hard for him. A few minutes later, he finally looks at the time. He got up at 12:00.pm and moved at 2:09.pm. Quite a long time since he's just been sitting there.. He stood up, stretched, and walked to the door. Scared to open it, he opened it anyway.]

[He walked around the house. He didn't see test tube anywhere.. not even in her lab. Where could she be? No way shes mad enough to just leave. She has bot to take care of! He checked everywhere but bots room. It was the only place she could be if she wasn't in her lab. He knocked on bot's door. No answer. He knocked again, still, no answer.. He just opened the door and saw test tube trying to fix bot. Test tube didn't say anything, nor did she look at him. She was focused on bot and bot only. Sure, she heard the door open, but she didn't care. She knew it was Fan anyway. Fan walked up to her and tapped her back. Test tube looks at him and continues fixing bot.]

Fan: Test tube? Talk to me. I get that you're mad but come o-

Test tube: Shut up.

Fan: What?

Test tube: I said, shut up.

[Fan stayed quiet after that. He stared at Test tube as she worked. Once Test tube was finished, she turned Bot back on and left the room. Bot seemed to have to wake up on their own. Fan didn't know why she left him in there with Bot, because she KNOWS Fan was the one hurting them. Fan eventually left the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast even though its 2:45 PM now. He only made a bowl of cereal. Every now and then, he touched his cuts on his head. Yeah, he felt guilty. (well. only a little.) But he still wanted to hurt Bot. It didn't matter that he was being dramatic. He wanted at least a little non-negative attention that's not from TK. He didn't feel like hurting Bot tonight though. Maybe tomorrow?]

[Fan walked around, not knowing what to do. After walking for a few minutes, he sees Bot walk out of their room.]

Bot: Fan..?

Fan: Oh! Uh, hi, Bot!

Bot: Do you know who cut my wings..?

Fan: Oh! No, no no no. I don't!

[Fan was sweating a little. Bot didn't notice though. Bot trusted Fan. They didn't think he would ever do anything like that to them.]

Bot: well.. okay.. At least they're fixed..

Fan: Yeah..! Yeah.

[Bot looked up at him and saw him with a worried face.]

Bot: Are you okay..? You look scared..

Fan: No, I'm uh. I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Bot: Are you sure..?

[Bot extended their legs to get a better look at his face.]

Bot: You're sweating.. You don't seem fine..

Fan: It's okay Bot, I said I'm fine.

[Bot hugs him. Fan was still scared because he didn't know if he should hurt them right now or not. Because, he still had a knife on him. But Bot didn't know that. Fan just hugged back awkwardly]

Fan: I know you just woke up but, you should probably get more rest..!

Bot: Awh.. okay..

[Bot made their legs shorter and walked back to their room. Fan walked to the couch and sat there. Slowly falling asleep..]

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