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tw for some graphic descriptions

[Fan woke up with blood all over him. He didn't notice at first, but started to notice it.. He quickly got up and looked around. He saw Test tube, washing a bloody knife]


[She stayed silent. When she put the knife away, she turned around and looked at Fan with a grin]

Test tube: well, I suppose it's technically your fault. You're the one that hurt Bot in the first place.

[The fight just went on and on. And eventually, it got so loud Bot came out of their room to see what was happening.]

Bot: Test tube..? Why are you yelling at Fan..?

Test tube: Oh! Nothing sweetie. You go ahead and uhm. Talk to goo while you're at it.

[Test tube grabbed Fan's wrist and dragged him into her lab, while Bot started to look for goo]


Test tube: Maybe none of this wouldnt've happened in the first place if you didnt do anything to Bot.

[She continued dragging Fan until they reached her lab. She handed him a drink]

Test tube: drink it.

Fan: NO!

Test tube: fine. we'll do it the painful way.

[She pulled back out her scissors and knocked Fan out so she could do some "work" on his face. She cut his face, tore his flesh out, and replaced it with some goop.. She cut off his legs too and replaced it with plastic. She sewed everything back together like nothing happened and used something to wake him back up.]

Fan: huh..?

[He looked beside him and saw his own guts on the table. He sat there in shock.]

Test tube: I had to give it to you the worst way I could since you were'nt  cooperating.

Fan: You.. You monster! How could you do this to me..!

Test tube: You had it coming.

[She knocked him out again and put something on his eyes. She then walked out of the lab.]

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