I've been caught..

89 3 8

Be careful guys!! there's a small mention of drugs in here!! Also small mention of self harm!!

[Fan sat and chilled for awhile. Yeah, he didn't eat the whole time. But who needs food anyway? TK walked in the room and saw fan sitting on the couch. She hasn't seen him move not once.]

TK: Hey, Fan? How long have you been sitting on that couch?

Fan: about uh 7 hours? Why?

TK: have you aten anything?

Fan: nope. Only breakfast.

TK: Its 9 pm, Fan! Go eat something.

Fan: are you sure??

TK: yes I'm sure. why would you ask that?

Fan: oh uhm. Forget it.

TK: you better eat. If I come back in here and you haven't eaten anything I'm gonna force ya!

Fan: yeah yeah yeah. Why do you have to be so mother like?

TK: Oh so now *I* am the problem? The only problem here is you not eating anything! Fan, not eating for awhile is bad. 

Fan: whatever.

[TK walked back to her room and fan got up to make a sandwich. Every time he sees a knife he thinks of just grabbing it and cutting bot. It's like.. being addicted to drugs but.. it's just cutting someone. He finished making his sandwich and sat down to eat. In the middle of eating TK walks back in to check on fan]

TK: Good job! You better eat more often, son.

Fan: I'm not your son.

TK: well too bad! you're gonna act like you are wether you like it or not!

Fan: sure..

TK: also, why do you look at knifes and go deep into thought? Just curious.

Fan: oh uhm.. it's private.

TK: fan! have you done self harm? did you cut yourself?

Fan: What? No?

TK: good! If you did I would make sure you stay in your room and only come out when you need something! Other than food because I could bring it to ya!

Fan: god.. Could you go away before I go insane?

TK: oh yeah! sure thing hun.

[TK then walked away. Fan finished eating his sandwich and went back to his room. He searched through his closet to look for.. something..]

Fan: where is it..

[He eventually found it. He seemed to put a knife in his closet since he's basically just addicted to hurting bot at this point. He walked to their room with the knife in hand and opened the door. He forgot to close the door but he didn't look back because he just wanted to hurt bot. He went up to bot and started cutting on them. He did this for a few minutes and test tube soon walked in]

Test tube: fan..? What're you doing..

Fan: oh! uhm.. I saw a bug on them and i wanted to get it off!

Test tube: Look, I know I believed you when you first said it, but I am NOT falling for it again.

Fan: Test tube I can explai-

Test tube: Get. Out. NOW.

Fan: Fine.

[Fan walked out of bot's room and closed the door.]

Test tube: Hand over the knife.

Fan: What knife..! I don't know what you're talking about..!

[It was clear fan was sweating from fear. Test tube obviously didn't accept fan doing this one bit.]

Test tube: give it.

Fan: What knife?



[Test tube goes behind fan and takes the knife]



[Test tube just slaps fan and walks away. Fan sheds a few tears and walks to his room. He locks the door so no one can get it. TK knocks on his door since she heard the whole thing]

TK: honey, you can't stay in there forever!

Fan: Yes I can. Leave me alone.

TK: come onn! you need to come out at some point!

Fan: I said leave me alone.

TK: Why did you hurt bot??


TK: ok ok! no need to be so rude about it.

[TK walks away to her own room. Fan keeps sitting on the bed until he falls asleep. Which would be hard since he got caught by the oh so protective test tube. A few hours pass and he finally falls asleep. But this isn't the end even if he got caught. No one ever said he couldn't find a new way into bot's room.. Fan knows Test tube can't and won't stop him.]

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