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Emily Spring:

None of us wanted to go to the place alone. So we decided to carpool and go together. I sat in the back of Jake's Mom's van. I was sitting alone in the back, Jake was driving (illegally he didn't have a license), Bria sat in the passenger seat, and Curt and Champ in the middle. No one spoke.

"Here." Bria mumbled.

We all unbuckled. In front of us stood a grey mansion, big, and old. It was tall, with spikes around the gates. Taped to the doorbell was a note in typed lettering:

Last one inside is the first to go!

Jake immediately jumped the fence. He bolted to the front door, threw it open and stepped into the shadows. Champ and Curt went next, Bria on their tails. I rolled my eyes before I followed. Who believed this stuff anyway? It was all crap. Close behind Bria who just jumped the fence, I was taking my time not to cut myself.

I gracefully walked through the wilted garden. Jake, Curt, Champ, and Bria stood inside, admiring the house. I stepped inside. I admired the red curtains and black walls for a minute, before I noticed the reddish brown stains everywhere, I began to call out to Jake and the others. Before any sound escaped my lips, a cold long nailed hand gripped my mouth and pulled me into the shadows.

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