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Bria Smolder:

So. That's the end. Everyone dies. Except me. I watch my friends rip Curt apart. I heard his screams fade into ripping sounds. I felt his blood splatter me.

"Bria. We all kill for you. You new master. Bria must take control." Pieces told me, tugging on my hand.

"Pieces, I'm done. Is there a way to make you not so creepy? Give you normal lives?" I told him. Picking him up like a child.

"Of course there is. But Master Jake didn't ever do it, and we can't do it ourselves." He mumbled.

"Tell me."

"Take off the hoods, give us normal clothes, and let us see the sun." he listed, excitement in his voice.

I nodded. Immediately, Pieces sprung out of my arms and pushed a panel in the wall. It opened a closet with clothes that were clearly meant for the monsters. Pieces took his down and gave them to me. I took them gingerly. I gently pulled down Pieces's hood. He was wearing a mask, but he had rich brown hair and a small face. I pulled the mask off. His face had shockingly electric blue eyes. He was about six and he was adorable! I gave him his clothes and he skipped off to change.

Next I approached Havoc, who was stuffing Curt's last smashed remains into a closet. I tapped her on the shoulder. Havoc turned to face me. I gingerly pulled off her mask. There was only a wig behind it. I screeched. Havoc stretched her arms out and pulled down her robe a bit to reveal a pretty teenage girl. She had blonde hair and-

"Emily?" I gasped. She grinned.

"Hey Bria."

"But your head-"

"- was a prop. I'm right here. I have been for a few days."

I hugged her and handed her, her clothes, which of course I recognized now.

"Wait. A few days?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Oh." I mumbled. Emily took off to the nearest bathroom with her clothes. Next I approached Wrath. Praying it might actually be Champ. I ripped his hood off. I got a satisfying shriek. But it wasn't Champ. Wrath turned around. He was a young boy, about my age, with black hair and grey eyes. Much unlike Champ's chocolate hair and green eyes.

"Here." I handed him his clothes.

"Thanks." his voice was soft, he had a nice accent to it. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. The boy, (I don't think his name is Wrath still) took off down the hall with his clothes.

Cautiously I approached Dice and Hammer. I pulled off their hoods and their whole disguise crumbled. Two people fell out of the ruined costume. Both of them were in tattered clothing. They were both girls who looked about five or six. Twins.

"Oi, kiddos. Here's your clothes. Do you want to change?" I asked them.

"Yes!" One said

"Yes please." The other corrected. I chuckled to myself.

Lastly, I approached Scythe. His hands were outstretched. Waiting for me to give him the clothes. I shook my head and yanked his hood off.

"OUCH! Seriously Bria?" a boy asked, shaking his ginger hair. His eyes were a pretty hazel, and he wore a smile when he received the clothes. He looked about my age as well. The boy (not Scythe anymore), skipped off down the hall as well. Pieces were absolutely adorable. Emily, beautiful. Wrath, handsome. Dice and Hammer, cute. And Scythe, like an idiot. We walked like a group of gangly teenagers with their little siblings. It was fun, but cut short.

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