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Well, now that you're all caught up on history, let's skip to the present. I'm sitting in a jail cell. Yep, a jail cell. After everyone had gotten all mushy, the truth was presented. Mason had attempted to murder Emily, Levi had killed Champ, the twins, Levi, Mason, and Emily killed Curt, Jake killed Rieces, and I killed Jake. So basically, the twins are in a mental institution, and Mason, Levi and I are sharing a jail cell for homicide and attempted murder. Mason will be released in a few months now, but Levi and I still have five years. I am rudely interrupted in my thinking as Levi speaks,

"You know, I miss Rieces."

I have to agree with him. Rieces was the best person to ever live. And he saved my life.

"Should we sing a horrid nineteen eighties song to annoy people?" Mason asks, playing around with a string hanging off of his clothes.

"No. That's stupid." Levi mumbles. Still, I don't make any sound.

"Bria did you die up there? Or are you sleeping?" Mason asks me. I chuckle softly and roll over onto my side. My arm dangling off the edge of my bunk bed.

"I'm not dead, or sleeping." I tell him.

"And I'm not busy or quiet." He snaps back. I grin at Mason and look over at Levi. Jail for the past five years has clearly taken a toll on him. He now has bags under his eyes, and he is always slumped over. Sometimes I miss his enthusiastic energy. Right now, I like the peace. A silence follows my thinking

"So, the funerals are coming up. Are either of you signing the form to go in handcuffs?" Levi asks.

I groan. The funerals. Emily, Jake, Curt, Champ and Rieces are all getting cremated and then placed in the ground. One funeral after the next.

"Might go to Emily's, Curt's, Champ's, and Recies's. Not Jake's. I hate him." Mason tells us, counting the names off his blistering fingers.

"I dunno." I mumble.

"Huh?" Levi asks me, looking up.

"I might not go to any of them."

"Oh come on, Bria. Such a pessimist. Come to the ones Levi and I are going to." Mason chuckles to himself. I glare at him. His orange prisoner suit really makes him look stupid. One thing I learned from being in a cell with these guys for five years has taught me I can't fight with Mason.


Mason pumps his fist in the air and lets out a loud hoot. A bunch of shushing noises meet my ears and I giggle. Most of the people in jail with us are around forty or thirty. Funny thing is, five years ago when the majority of drama took place, I was seventeen. Levi and Mason were trapped in eighteen. So now, I'm twenty two, and the boys are twenty three. I laugh out loud.

"What?" Levi asks. Spinning his wooden chair to face the bunk beds.

"Remember when we first got here?" I chuckle again, trying not to laugh too loud. Mason makes a choked laugh and Levi covers his mouth. He doubles over, his back heaving with muffled laughter.

All right all right! I'll tell you what happened. After the police had arrested us we had been driven to jail. When we got there, a few people who were also in jail were waiting by the doors. One of them, a sassy seventy year old had said,

"Oh dear. Officer S, I think you need more training. Those are some young fifteeners."

A bunch of elderly people agreed with her. I barked out a laugh. When I wouldn't stop randomly laughing on the way to our cell, some thirty five year old man told me to shut up. Now, our cell-neighbors hate us for being too loud. It's a funny story that cracks me up every time I hear it.

"Oh!" Mason wheezes, in between his laughter.

"Huh?" I ask him.

"Mr. Featherstoneheenanstanley Jr told me a joke."

"The annoying forty year old man who is so corny?" Levi asks. Laughing still.

"Yeah wanna hear it?"

"Sure." Levi and I say in unison.

"A grasshopper walks into a bar. The cashier looks at him and says, 'Hey they named a drink after you!' 'Really?' replies the grasshopper, 'There's a drink named Stan?'" Mason bursts out laughing. Levi and I just look at him.

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