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Jake Newt:

As Bria and I walked back towards the library, I heard a muffled scream from above us. I looked up, traumatized from what happened with Emily's head. Nothing.

"You hear that?" Bria mumbled, looking at me.

"Someone's hurt." I whispered back.

Neither of us needed an explanation to bolt. We threw open the Library doors, ran towards the stairs. I got there first and began climbing, as fast as I could. In no time we reached the top floor. I threw the door open. The screams stopped. I stepped into the hallway.

"Who's there?" a voice called.

"Jake and Bria." I called back. A rustling noise greeted my response. I heard quick heavy footsteps. I stepped in front of Bria. Something hurled out of the shadows and knocked me off my feet. I struggled to get the thing off of me, until I realized it was Curt.

"Oh man, dude. I lost Champ. He went left, I went right. Then the screams came." he told me.

"Show us the way. If he's still alive we need to help him." I said, gently nudging Curt off of me, I stood.

"Cute bromance guys, but we have a more pressing' matter a' hand here." Bria commented, smirking. I nodded.

Curt Farling:

I was so glad to have found Jake and Bria, that I kept glancing over at them. Once, Bria caught me. Her smirk widened. At the split in the hallway, we turned the way that I thought Champ had gone. Bria led the way, her confidence a light in the dark, blinding us all. When she stopped short, I sucked in a breath, surely there would be a body.

I looked around Bria. Nope. Nobody yet. Literally nobody and no-body. I chuckled at the joke in my head, considering to say it out loud when Bria picked up a green piece of paper. I snatched it from her hand and read it to myself:


"Well, Wrath at least used a pen instead of typing it. And he likes Shakespeare. That shows us a bit about Pieces's friend." Bria laughed to herself.

I was confused.

"Pieces? As in the one Unknown warned us about?"

"The very same." Jake growled, his voice cracking.

I walked further down the hall, pleased when Bria and Jake followed me. There, sitting on the ground was another note. I picked it up, unfolded it and read it. I yelled. Bria snatched the note from my hand. Her eyes flew back and forth over the page. She handed it to Jake. I didn't wait until he read it. I took off back down the stairs.

Jake Newt:

I heard Curt take off down the hall. I heard Bria run after him. Heard her drag him back. But the only thing that caught my attention was the note. This time, the ink was loopy and red. Not black.


"It's written in blood." Bria snatched the note from me and read;

"Hello pesky humans, I am Havoc. I am writing to you in this formal letter because I am excited to watch you all die. Well, most of you. One of you will survive, my bets are on Jake. I thought I would tell you, Wrath has killed your dear friend Champ. Although he and Pieces did it rather painlessly, I will not be so merciful. Jake, take the item taped under the desk. If anyone else takes it or touches it I will intervene. I'm rooting for you. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME. - Havoc"

"Well. You two had better not reach under that table. Or Havoc will intervene. She's clearly rooting for me." I grinned. I walked over to the table that was against the wall of the hallway. I bent down and reached under. My finger caught on something. A green necklace. Curt laughed.

"What does she want you to do? Look fashionable? THAT'S A KNEE SLAPPER!" he doubled over. I rolled my eyes and put it on. If Havoc was willing to kill for me to get it, then it must be important. Right?

HELLoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora