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Bria Smolder:

Okay, I know how it looks. I'm the only one without an Alibi. So you're probably guessing that I'm Unknown, right? WRONG. As Jake and Curt were arguing, I looked under the table and found another note, one addressed to me. I carefully opened it. A key fell out of the paper, revealing four words;

Good Luck Bira.-Havoc

"We should split up. They're not expecting us to separate, only to stick together." Jake said. Frowning at the dark walls.

"Good idea. I'll take the basement. Jake, you take upstairs. Curt... just hide." I said, pointing to each direction.

Curt and Jake nodded. Jake sauntered up the stairs confidently, looking for the safe. Curt hid in a closet, and I headed towards the basement.

My job was mostly easy, find the safe and don't die. Simple enough right? Wrong again my friend. I took a sharp right and almost ran into someone.


"Bria! Pieces must warn Bria!" Pieces came barrelling towards me. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Warn me 'about what?"

"It's Jakey-" Pieces started, but I interrupted. "Is he hurt? Already? Oh, no-" Pieces shook his head

"Jake is bad. Jake kill Emily. Jake kill Champ. Jake controls Pieces, Jake hurt Bria. Jake veeeeeeeeery bad," Pieces whispered, as if Unknown would come around the corner, "Jake is Unknown. Pieces protect Bria."

Jake Newt:

I stalked the halls. I was too confident that I wasn't going to get hurt. The hall was so quiet, nothing could get within fifty feet of me without me knowing. Unless they don't breathe and can fly. I heard a beep and looked down at my necklace. It was glowing. I swore, of course; a tracker. I ripped it off and threw it on the ground.

As I was headed back to the staircase to head up a level, there she was. Bria stood, with Pieces behind her, an axe in her white-knuckled grip. A new necklace with a key swinging from it. A new addition to her outfit.

"So, Mr. Unknown." she said, her hair covering her eyes, hiding her emotions.

"Mr... what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. You killed Emily and Champ. You control Pieces and his minion friends. It's been you the whole time." she snarled, her visible lips, curving into a sneer.

"Oh no! You caught me." I sighed and shrugged off my hoodie, revealing my blood stained white shirt.

Pieces stepped out from behind Bria, he walked in front of her and took her hand, like a child holding his mother's. Bria beckoned her wrist. Havoc also stepped in front of her. So did Wrath, and Scythe. Havoc may have looked beautiful and human, but she was not. She was extremely tall, even I had to look up to see her eyes. She wore a flowing black gown, with gold trims and lace. Her rich chocolate coloured hair billowing from unseen winds.

Scythe was a tall creature that looked like a reaper. His name came with his weapon. All four pairs of eyes glared at me.

"Well. If it isn't my haunting crew."


"Calm down. Wrath honey, we'll all line up in a nice line to take turns to stab him." Havoc said, her white irises glaring into my soul.

"I would also like a turn aht ze stabbing!" Scythe screeched in his French accent.

"Pieces is angry at Jake. Pieces veeeeeeeeeeery angry" Pieces growled.

I frowned at him. Out of all my little idiots, Pieces was usually the most obedient.

"I say, no one is stabbing me." I snapped. Typically, when I get mad at these idiots they freeze up until I say they can move. Clearly, something was keeping them from freezing. Then I noticed something. Something Pieces had that made him stronger. Chocolate.

"Now would be a good time for that battle cry, Wrath." Bria said. Wielding her axe in front of her.


The group charged.

Curt Farling:

I hid under a desk. I heard the yelling from above me. I didn't move. My heart was pounding in my head so loud, I was sure the monsters could hear it.

Something walked down the hallway towards me. I held my breath, terrified. A pair of feet stopped in front of me.

"Hello. Curt." said a voice. Or... two?

I didn't reply. My cowardly, full of baloney loud mouth didn't reply.

"Just come out, we won't bite." it said. No, they said. There were two voices. But one pair of feet. I got into my sprinting position. I ran out from under the table. The tablecloth flapping and waving. I sprinted down the hall. Shouting rang out from upstairs. Shouting and laughter. I ran even harder. Something jumped in front of me. I screamed. The noise from upstairs ceased. I heard someone calling my name. Then came the pain.

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