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Thus, the faint shadows of wisdom that led me to write the third book, 'The Last Frontier – The Path of the Soul', were intended to address a distant and tortuous path that the individual must experience, counteracting his flesh - matter - while leading to the salvation of his spiritual soul through Our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way, I was compelled by the continuous pursuit of knowledge, or the principle thereof, that would justify such distortion of the characteristics of the human genus - omnis - throughout its generations after the Resurrection.

Among many personal questions, one has always weighed on me more specifically: why does man corrupt himself? When I elaborate on this question, I also include myself in this terrible situation. I refer to every trace of corruption: thought, matter, body, soul, and spirit. As soon as I seek relevant answers, I end up discovering some truths, previously completely hidden from my eyes – truths that deeply hurt my heart, making me feel so imprudent, so disobedient – weakened, feeble, and impotent in the face of the situations experienced in this earthly and transitory life.

Throughout these writings, I will strive to maintain the firm purpose assigned to me by the Lord, and also uphold human sobriety, based on proven facts and unique thoughts, which will be responsible for shaping each individual conclusion. Despite man's reflective – intellectual – capacity about his own Being, he continues to commit the classic error of a beginner in 'Non-Being', meaning, to develop his actions based on external, sensory, and animal intuitions, guided by the premise: to flee from pain; to seek pleasure. This man, although constantly exercising reasoning in various fields – scientific, philosophical, psychological, social, cultural, and political – continually analyzes them with the same primitive, purely animal tendencies, observing and reacting primarily to external stimuli.

However, the consequences of acts driven by animal premises - 'Non-Being' - are channeled painfully and progressively into his 'Being.' Invisible to his poor eyes, the corrupted man, in his post-disobedience essence, becomes incapable of seeing his composition, his Purpose.

All creatures have a final goal – a Purpose – to carry out that which has been entrusted and ordained for them to 'Be.' Fully oriented toward their Origin, they carry out all works as a form of service to others, without hesitation, because they are also being served in the same way, constantly. Hence, by fully fulfilling their duties – End; Purpose – they satisfy themselves in their entirety: their Origin; consequently, fully honoring their Creator.

All living beings have their way of knowing, limited by their own nature, for only the Uncreated, the Uncreated Being – the one who was not created, but who creates – has absolute dominion over all works, for He is Everything!

Using only two species, it is already possible to prove that there are not two or more "creators": but only One.

A and B cannot be infinite, for 'A' would touch 'B' at some point, just as 'B' would touch 'A.' With the passage of time, either 'A' would be contained within 'B,' or 'B' would be contained within 'A.' Hence, both 'A' and 'B' are finite, not allowing them to be uncreated, but rather creatures. Given the above, the objective and absolute Truth can be inferred that only one 'Infinite' is possible: the one that tends to fully subject the other. The one considered 'Uncreated,' the Creator, ONE from all Eternity, naming Him: God. Therefore, everything else becomes a 'false god' - a non-god - as they are finite: creatures.


The term "Supernatural" means that it is 'Above' nature, transcending the nature of being. So far above that the Grace to contemplate it presupposes a Divine reality, infinitely superior to all created or creatable nature, whether material or artificial.

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