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Deterioration: physical decomposition of something; putrefaction.

Modification: adulteration of the original characteristics of something.

"Whoever does not live spiritually through their flesh, will live carnally through their spirit." - Saint Augustine

The literal meanings of the words: freedom, equality, progress, common spirit, modernism, fraternity, social and democratic, have become deeply ingrained in the vocabulary of eccentric humans. Freedom, so idealized, has been slowly and deliberately distorted after the coming of Christ – of which I will describe further ahead. Individuals become products and servants, solely material and natural, of another being.

Until now, the only characteristic that accurately described freedom was symbolized by the enslaved captives who nourished the release of their own body – matter. Their irrevocable full freedom, however, should not be confused with libertinism of their being, for it was soon limited before the vague human consciences. Libertinism, living in the shadows of abundance, has trapped men and women throughout centuries in a dark labyrinth: lost in their own consciousness due to the estrangement from the Creator. This estrangement, solely the responsibility of the creature, strongly resists the designs of directing its soul to the Origin – its true Father: its eternal beloved. Thus, it prefers to remain only in the dwelling of the flesh; putrefying slowly.

I inquire: what is the real pleasure of the freedom of the flesh? To bring about the wretchedness of man, from a purely natural point of view, like an animal, to the surface of all the perversity that it commits by distancing itself from the one who makes it a son – by adoption – of the Divine Creator: Holy, Sanctifier, Just, Kind, Loving, Complete, and Perfect. The freedom of an animal is purely summed up in the logic of the momentary survival of its own "selfishness," of its impulses toward transitory survival. Therefore, allowing man to vulgarize himself like an animal, nothing remains for him in this world. Living to die!

This longed-for freedom, now libertinism, turns into a captive prison: without bars, without order, without a judge. What then prevents barbarism? The Just Conscience: the source of direct communication with the Lord, its Creator, Redeemer, and Savior, through Our Lord Jesus Christ. A just conscience that maintains the benevolence and peace of its soul, for it is on the path of its Origin, thus pacifying the fierce state reflected in the flesh.

If there were no Paraclete, who comforts me and keeps me on the path of my Origin, everything in me would be lost – like those who are already in their perpetual mazes still in this life: desperately seeking a way out of their inner anguish and tribulations, generated and created by the false concept of their full freedom – libertinism. If there is already suffering here, in corporeal – material – life, even so, does one not fear acute suffering and chaos of their spiritual soul for all eternity?

The perdition and human suffering still in life, mostly speaking, throughout the millennia, deepen and multiply their paths in pain, certainly more intimate and incomprehensible, with each subsequent generation. Pain originated, watered, and cultivated in the relentless pursuit of power, wealth, and the distorted full freedom – not necessarily in that order –, yet these three unite for a painful and wide gate: the corruption of being.

"Noises that confuse."


Let us compare noises as the existential beginning of the entire path of corruptions. Noises that, numerous times, are responsible for opening a door towards temptations that corrupt men. Sins are the fruits of temptations, which in turn are the fruits of noises.

At The Beginning It Wasn't Like ThisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum