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Continuing from the brief account 'At The Beginning, It Wasn't Like This', do you believe that the serpent - satan - ceased its assaults against the spiritual souls after the resurrection of Christ? A brief reasoning indicates that this is not the case since it is clearly addressed by numerous renowned historians and archaeologists - regardless of their beliefs - that, starting from the Ascension of Jesus, the persecution of the apostles and all souls liberated, converted, and transfigured to Christ began. Using political and religious aspects, with a quick research and serious study, we will start to find a configuration of spiritual persecution - of Supernatural Order - more elaborate, disguised; distorted; and transmitted through the social, cultural, political, and religious distortions of the Natural Order.

In the first three centuries, the persecution was more intense and cruel, aiming at the imprisonment and direct death of the spiritual souls converted to Christ - State of Grace - under the justifications of the completely pagan Roman Empire and its emperors who were seen as 'gods'. The society of the time, in which souls were submerged in a state of Mortal Sin and therefore could not easily recognize their banalities and distortions of their Purpose, observed the positive sanctifying movements, both external and internal, of the converted individuals who were guided by the Holy Apostolic Sacramental Doctrine. At that time, there were almost no writings due to the frequent persecutions and the almost complete lack of education - widespread illiteracy. Consequently, the entire structure of action was through the proclamation of the Absolute Truth left by Jesus, through oratory inspired by the Holy Spirit, and primarily through the administration and reception of the Sacraments in the spiritual souls of those who accepted and humbly desired the salvation proclaimed by Christ.

Starting from the Sacramental reception, the spiritual souls immediately recognized the Infusion of the Holy Spirit, tearing the veil that, until then, covered the depreciative and destructive states in which they lived. The behavioral change towards Sanctification was so noticeable that other people perceived how genuine and divine the transformation was before their eyes: their friends and acquaintances, once so consistent in the same way of life, began to behave contrary to the customs of society. It was the Supernatural Order of Grace infused in the spiritual soul, surpassing the 'absence of Grace'; It was the exponential Purpose of the Sanctified soul through the supernatural remedies of the Sacraments.

Obviously, once the spiritual soul received the Infusion of the Holy Spirit, it could no longer behave like that of a simple irrational animal soul. Before, a fallen creature due to the Original Sin of the disobedience of the parents of the human race; now, it returned to the original state of its creation. The path opened for the Sanctification of the soul's Purpose, in the State of Grace, clearly disturbed - and continues to disturb - the evil spirits, who strongly influenced, and influence, the spiritual souls in Mortal Sin.

As the Supernatural Order operates through the Law of Attraction and Aversion, the more the spiritual soul observes, accepts, and obeys the actions of Absolute Truth, its Purpose created through living in a State of Grace, the more it is absorbed by Sanctifying Grace: Holiness! However, the more the spiritual soul resists the simplicity it should accept in receiving this Grace, the farther it drifts from the Holy Spirit. Consequently, it acts in repulsionAversion – even in the presence of spiritual souls in a State of Grace. We can draw two "analogies" from the Natural Order according to Aristotle and Newton.

1. Aristotle says: "Nature abhors a vacuum."

2. Newton's 3rd Law: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This reaction force is equal in strength to the action force but acts in the opposite direction."

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