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Many current "Christians" have doctrinized their "faith" only for the salvation of themselves and their own. Selfish act? They seem to seek Christ only for this: to save themselves. The Holy Apostles felt LONGING for Our Lord with True Love as they lived intimately with Him. They wanted to present Jesus Christ to all souls so that they would also feel the longing and His presence through the Holy Spirit. Salvation is a consequence of our acts of Love that He taught us to remain close to Him. Thus, Jesus Christ left us the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – in its transubstantiation, for us to remain in Him: not by our merits, but by our constant need for His Mercy, thus also alleviating our LONGING a bit.

By Rafael Brodbeck

Except in mystical cases, no one "feels" God: and even then, that feeling is not a criterion. Those who keep saying they "feel" God, in the Mass or outside it, generally feel themselves: they are slaves to mere emotions. Those who say they don't need to go to a place to "feel" God, in reality, don't feel God anywhere. They feel their own ego! They feel "butterflies in the stomach" and a "warm heart" because of their own life of disordered affections and supposedly religious feelings that are totally confused. We do not go to Holy Mass to "feel" God: we go to Holy Mass to unite ourselves to the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our salvation. One of the worst modern errors is precisely this 'spiritual but not religious': uncommitted, selfish, and self-referential. The "god" of these modernist people is their own navel.


Pilate asked this even when faced with the Truth: "what is Truth?"

Agape; Logos; Pure; Divine; Alpha and Omega; Beginning-End. How can we say we are "Imitators" of Christ, that we love Him, if we cannot love even our closest ones? How will we justify ourselves before the Divine Face for denying or disdain the Holiness of His Mother, His Holy Apostles, and martyrs? Did not Christ descend among the dead and redeem them from Adam? He loved and redeemed all righteous souls until His coming, even among the limited knowledge of their times.

Verily, I say unto you, how can you say you love me if you do not recognize me in my own, in my Face? How will you enter the Kingdom of my Father and dwell before all those you ignored love, in life, out of sheer pride? Out of love, I redeemed even the forgotten dead. You, out of vanity, even knowing all the written and lived works, ignored them. All who dwell in the Kingdom of my Father, in My Name, were Sanctified, for I AM HOLY!

The spiritual soul, seeing the Absolute Truth in its essence – created in the image and likeness of God –, must seek its sanctification in this temporal life so that, being perfected by the Sanctifying Grace of the Sacraments, it can fulfill the fullness of its ultimate purpose upon leaving this state of matter: to perfectly Love the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – in communion with all Angels and Saints, who have also passed through here!


My Lord Jesus Christ, I am fully grateful for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, the Most Holy Eucharist, Confirmation; for Matrimony; for the Anointing of the Sick, and for the Priestly Supernatural Order acting even within the faltering, vacillating disorders of men. It has been two millennia that the world, through false spiritual relativism, systematically attempts to mock Your Holy Church. The serpent, uninterruptedly, seeks to discredit everything, in everyone. At first, it encouraged martyrdom through the shedding of blood, and over the centuries, it has tried to mock and distort through supposed intellectual ideologies. For more than two thousand years, it has sought to subvert Your Church: through corrupt men, through false stories, through science, or through post-Renaissance philosophism. However, the Primitive Church remains very much alive, and despite the tortuous paths of hardened and vain hearts, the Holy Spirit continues to lead so many humble souls through Your Holy Sacraments: invisible to the eyes but perpetually felt in the souls. Thank you, Divine Spouse of my soul!

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