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When Y/N came back home the first friday since school started, she slumped down on her bed and took a deep breath, relaxing her brain and muscles once and for all.

This week has been a pain.

The "sitting in the back of the class" privilege gave her teachers the idea that she was nothing but a complete dumbass who has somehow made it into high school-which is not quite wrong, she thought.

For example, she, of all people, had been interrogated this thursday about a topic she had no clue even existed, completely embarrassing herself in front of her whole class.

Even the "hyperactive" girls, the girls everyone grew to like, the girls every guy found SO attractive, giggled at her stupidity.

Oh and finding friends? Still negative.

When was the cycle finally going to break? When is it her turn to be happy and fully experience the "best years of your life"? Will they ever come? Have they already started? Because to her, life was as boring as ever.

"I'll give this whole thing one more week and if nothing happens then I swear I will kill mys-" her train of thought was interrupted by a female voice yelling her name from downstairs, alarming her that dinner was ready.

"Na? Wie war die erste Woche für dich?" her father asked her when she arrived downstairs, a small smile plastered on his face. Oh god, he probably thought it went flawless.

(And? How was your first week?)

The girl caughed. "Gut natürlich," she fake-laughed.

(Good, of course)

Her mother raised an eyebrow at her behavior. Something told her that that wasn't the case at all. "Wirklich? Du hörst dich so...sarkastisch an."

(Really? You sound so...sarcastic)

The girl sighed and threw her head on the table out of frustration. It went awful. Of course it went awful. That's how things have been and that's how they'll always be like. "Natürlich nicht. Ich hasse diese verdammte Schule. Warum muss ich da unbedingt hin, huh? Ich kann doch einfach für immer hier zu Hause bleiben oder nicht? Ihr würdet doch für mich bezahlen, oder?" She looked up at her parents. "...Oder?"

(Of course not. I hate this damn school. Why do I have to attend it so badly, huh? I can just stay here at home forever, or not? You'd pay for me, right?)


The parents gave each other a glance, communicating with each other through their eyes. "Liebling, dein Vater und ich haben schon oft darüber gesprochen. Vielleicht kannst du außerhalb der Schule etwas für dich finden? Vielleicht einen Verein oder vielleicht eine Arbeit finden? Du bist schon alt genug. Ich denke, dass es klappen sollte. Wieso versuchst du es nicht einfach mal?" her mother told her. 

(Darling, your father and I have often talked about it. Maybe you can find something outside of school? Maybe a club or a workplace? You're old enough. I think it should work. Why don't you just try it out?)

The girl thought about their request. Her parents only wanted the best for her, she knew that. They're just trying to help her and she appreciates that. But to her it sounds more like they're pitying her instead of really helping.

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