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November in Germany consisted mostly of rain, coldness and constant grey skies, the sun slowly going into hibernation, starting the period of short days and long nights. The leaves turned into reddish colors, the flowers died and winter came closer every second. But you will first realize that it's almost Christmas when millions of birds fly away into the south where the warmth just arrived and the cold departed.

No more being woken up by the chirping of small red robins.

While the rainy weather was controlled by beautiful chaos, Y/N had to sit at the back of the room, listening to an old woman teaching her about the mysteries of numbers, letters and dozens of rules. Her head had fallen onto her crossed arms on her desk a long time ago, watching the outside world instead of acknowledging a thing being spoken at the front. All she desired was leaving this depressing building and run around in the wet nature, not caring who or what might see her and simply enjoying the chilly vibe the rain emitted.

Her last weeks have been utterly stressful and energy-draining. School, work, nothing much you might say, but somehow it did have this much of an effect on the girl. She was constantly tired, she realized.

"Die Antwort ist 25,46"

(The answer is 25,46)

"Sehr gut, Annika."

(Very good, Annika)


Remember the girl Y/N seemed to be a bit jealous of in the beginning of her new school year?

Forget it.

A week into that new year and she noticed how fake the girl was. Fake personality, fake friends, fake relationships. Everything fake. Honestly, the girl wondered how she had the strength to put up a permanent mask all the time.

Yet she had reached the top in no time. Perfect grades, having countless friends, being every boy's crush, and everything your mind might think of when the word "perfect" is mentioned. She really lived up to the "It-girl" standards from those stupid teenage rom-com movies.

But this also meant, she was the evil villain.

The bell rang, indicating the end of the schoolday at exactly 16:15 pm. The girl took a deep breath before packing her stuff together and walking out of the room, but not without the math teacher interrupting her.

"Y/N. Könntest du kurz zu mir kommen?"

(Y/N. Could you come here for a bit?)

The girl raised an eyebrow, wondering what could have been the problem and walked back into the room, some boys whispering she's in trouble for god knows what reason. She wanted to keep that "unnoticeable girl" act, so how could she be in trouble? Her body started shaking nervously. She didn't violate any school rules, she knew that.


Keep calm, Y/N, she kept telling herself.

Her body halted in front of the teacher's desk. "Kannst du dir vorstellen, warum ich dich privat sprechen wollte?" she asked somewhat kindly, yet she some aggression behind her tone was evident, causing her to become even more nervous.

(Can you imagine why I wanted to speak to you in private?)

The girl gulped. "Nicht...wirklich, nein," she answered honestly.

(Not...really, no)

She smiled reassuringly at her when noticing her stressed out state. "Keine Sorge. Ich will dir nichts Böses," a short and quick sentence yet it calmed the nerves of the anxious girl almost immediately. So no trouble. Great.

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