| Al Rayyan |

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Deewangi ko meri na iss kadar barhao

Haseeno adaa se qayamat na dhao

Qasam hai tumhe apna aanchal hatao

Haseeno adaa se qayamat na dhao...

"Is the luxury fleet of the famed Phoenix Air under attack?

Qatari airline magnate Omar Maktabi's Phoenix Air, known for its top of the line aircrafts and services catering to the elite, may have become the target of a notorious Latvian criminal organisation known as the AXU. What does this mean for the future of Phoenix Air, and most importantly, what does it mean for the safety of its passengers?

Phoenix Air rightfully boasts about providing an unparalleled flight experience to its passengers, but what's a pleasant flight experience without the assurance of landing safely at your destination?

More updates as soon as we receive them from our correspondent on the ground in Qatar."

You could've heard a pin drop on the fiftieth floor of the Aspire Tower in Doha's West Bay; it was almost as if everyone gathered in the executive offices at the Phoenix Air headquarters had forgotten to breathe.

In her short employment, Liza had witnessed her share of crucial moments standing in the executive boardroom. All of them had involved one business emergency or the other, yet as she stood at the back of the long, rectangular boardroom, looking at the seated executives of Phoenix Air, she had the distinct feeling that a tragedy had just occurred.

Seated at the head of the long table, Omar Maktabi brusquely swivelled his chair around to face the table, turning his back to the massive screen on which that morning's international news was being relayed. Watching him with bated breath, Liza nearly jumped when his eyes jumped to hers and he gestured to the screen behind him.

"Mute it." His command was low, almost like an emerging growl. The boss who chuckled at her mistakes and cracked a joke at the drop of a hat was now engulfed by a man she wouldn't wish as an enemy upon anyone.

"How the hell did this air on television without a single person in this room knowing?" His question was rhetorical and laden with frustration.

The fifteen individuals around the table looked at each other and smartly enough kept their mouths shut. Looking at the financial advisor sat to his right, Mr Maktabi took a deep breath and nodded at the iPad infront of the man.

"Status report Jihan."

"It's too early to assess the damage right now boss, but as expected there will be a definite dip in the share value. There is still some time before the stock market closes, better to wait till then. Although I do suggest damage control beginning now. "

Omar turned his head to the Head of PR sitting further down the table and waited with an eyebrow raised.

"I can draft a plan immediately boss. I think the scale of this leak demands something big. We can't just keep it under wraps or sort it out internally or even privately with the Latvian government anymore. It needs to be something big to soften the blow of the fallout that will come after this."

Grimacing, Omar shook his head and cursed under his breath. It didn't matter that the news had aired on a minor channel; the world now knew that Phoenix Air was a potential target and the rest was now going to be up to people's imaginations. And people had wild imaginations; they would go to town with all the possible scenarios and what this meant for them. The airline which he'd built from scratch, his truest labour of love, was now at the mercy of the people; you couldn't have an airline without passengers, and who would want to get on a plane which may be a criminal organisation's next target?

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