|The search|

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Three hours had passed at this point. Three long, dreaded hours. Every single guest was sent home, much to Wyvern's disappointment He had sent out many of his own goons in search for his daughter, most of which had come back empty handed.

Wyvern and Crimson stand in the opulent estate. The mansion is now very quiet, with the party guests gone. Wyvern paces up and down the room, clearly frustrated with his daughters disappearance. His tail thrashes back and forth, his teeth grinding together. He's looking worse for wear, his tie undone. He soon looks towards Crimson, his eyes filled with annoyance and suspicion. "You didn't do anything to her, did you?" Wyvern questions the imp.

Crimson glances towards the older mob boss, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Me?" He chuckles softly, "Why would I do such a thing?" His expression changes to one of curiosity. "I'm more wondering, where she could be?" Crimson's voice is even, and his question is asked with a simple curiosity. His gaze is fixed on Wyvern.

A low growl rumbled in Wyverns throat, as he held his hands behind his back... Continuing to pace back and forth. "Where the hell could she have gone, damnit?!" He repeated Crimsons words.

"My guess?" Crimson replies, looking away from Wyvern briefly.
"She's fled the mansion." The words are spoken without emotion, the imp's expression neutral as he eyes the older mob boss calmly.

"That much is obvious!" He suddenly snapped, now standing in front of Crimson. The mob boss's chest was heaving up and down, as he breathed heavily.

"Ahh. Someone's becoming testy." Crimson glances over to Wyvern, not seeming in the slightest bit threatened by the mob boss's behavior. The imp's eyes narrow slightly. A sly chuckle escapes his lips. "She's gone, and you can't find her. She's not coming back." Crimson says the words so nonchalantly, it almost seemed as if he was enjoying Wyvern's distress.

A hiss escaped his throat, as the mafia boss glared at Crimson. "If she doesn't return, then the arrangement is off." He replied in a lukewarm tone of voice, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, you don't mean that," Crimson says smoothly. He leans forward, his eyes locking onto Wyvern. "You and I both know that you wouldn't dare risk upsetting me." His gaze is filled with confidence, almost as if he is enjoying their little game. "Am I right, old man?"

A scowl creeped up on his face, as he glared down at Crimson. "You and I both know, that I won't hesitate to fight the Knolastname family. No marriage, means we aren't sharing our profits, and the arrangement will be off."

Crimson snorts. "Is that a threat, Wyvern?" His tail lashes towards him, his gold teeth glinting. crimson leans back, taking a puff of his cigar as he eyes the mob boss. "I think you should stop talking. Before you do something you'll regret." He holds his cigar in his hand confidently, his expression unfazed by the older mob boss's threats.

Wyvern's tail snaked back and forth slightly, as a felt another growl form in his throat, but he quickly choked it back down. "You better find my daughter, Crimson."

"I think I know exactly where she is." He smirks at Wyvern, a cocky grin on his face. He leans back, crossing his arms. His tail flicks restlessly. "But why would I tell you? I could take my sweet time finding her." His tone of voice is teasing and almost playful, yet still sinister nonetheless.

He grabbed Crimson by the collar of their shirt, lifting them off of the ground ever so slightly. "You think this is a game, eh? Well let me tell you somethin, I ain't playing. This is strictly business." His tone was threatening, and Crimson could smell the alcohol on his breath.

The imp grins cheekily, seeming unimpressed by all that has happened thus far. His expression shows nothing but confidence. "And I'm taking things at my own pace. Which is...very...slow." His words are said with a slyness, his tone almost mocking. "And you, Wyvern, have no say in this matter. You need me, and you know it." Crimson smirks.

Wyvern snarled, shoving Crimson back on the ground. "Leave." He glared down at Crimson, dead serious. "I'll let you know when we've found her." His tone is full of disdain, and coldness.

The mafia boss doesn't budge an inch, although a flicker of surprise briefly crosses his face. He doesn't reply - his expression turning pensive as his eyes slowly move to the ground. His lips are pressed tightly together, his golden eye glints. He turns around silently, walking out the room. As he leaves, he is heard speaking. His voice is low, almost inaudible. "I'll find her. Before you can."

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