|What I want|

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Mariah and Crimson are now sharing the same ring, the gold tooth in his mouth gleams brilliantly in the sunlight. Mariah turns to Crimson, who seems to be absolutely thrilled right now. A smug grin is plastered on his face, his tail wagging back and forth. "So, Mariah." He pauses for a moment. "Do you know what I want now that you're officially my wife?" He grins widely, his golden eyes glimmering.

In response, Mariah simply shrugs her shoulders. She stood there in her wedding dress, a solemn look on her face. There is a hint of fear in her eyes. Crimson takes a step closer, his voice soft and charming.
"Well...I want you to do something for me." Crimson leans in even closer, his tail sweeping back and forth furiously, as his gold tooth gleams in the sunlight. Mariah feels his warm breath on her neck, his fingers touching her chin to force her to look at him.

The imp runs a single finger across Mariah's lips. "I have this... Special desire..." His words are filled with a hint of malice, as his eyes continue to roam over Mariah's body I want you to give me...an heir" Crimson adds, his voice filling with a sly grin. "A little Prince. A son to continue my bloodline...the bloodline of Crim-" He pauses for a moment. "Crimson."

Mariah remains silent, trying to suppress her emotions. Fear, anger. Fear and anger about what's about to come. The imp's words are like venom to her heart, his expression filled with malice. His eyes scan her body once again, as his tail whips back and forth. His mouth is inches away from her neck, his breath is hot and heavy. "So, Mariah..." His voice is soft now, and his words seem to echo from deep within. "The Question is..." He pauses, smiling.

"Are you going to give me what I want? Or am I going to get angry?" The imp tilts his head towards his wife, his golden eye glimmering. She can feel his breath on her neck as he looms over her. "I won't have my bride disobeying me, after all...that's just unacceptable. So, the choice is yours, Mariah..." He grins wickedly, the tip of his tail grazing her cheek.

By this point, Wyvern was now standing off to the side... listening in on the conversation with his arms crossed behind his back. While he didn't have any fear that Crimson would actually try to harm his daughter, he still had his doubts.

Crimson's hand is still cupping her cheek. Mariah looks at him, her eyes full of terror. She slowly nods. "Yes... yes, I will." Crimson grins widely, as he pulls Mariah closer to himself. His eyes start to sparkle as his voice becomes gentle. "Good, good. I want him to be strong..." His eyes roam over her body for what seems like the tenth time, his grin growing wider.

Suddenly, Wyvern would grab Crimson's shoulder...looking at him with expectant eyes.

Crimson's eyes flit over to Wyvern for a moment, his bent tail stopping its movement to the side. "What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Mariah is still in his grasp as he speaks...

"Now that this whole wedding is over." He paused, forcing Crimson's body to turn around so they were facing each other. "Let's talk about what I want."

"What exactly do you want, Wyvern?" Crimson asks, his tone filled with curiosity. His tail moves to the side again, as he tilts his head to the side curiously. Mariah stands to the side, eyes on the ground. She keeps her silence.

"Per our agreed arrangement, after you married my daughter...we are both going to share half of our profits with each other, if I am not mistaken." He leaned closer to Crimson, his arms behind his back.

"Mhm." Crimson nods, his tail swaying back and forth. He looks over at his wife, who remains silent as ever. ."That's always been the deal. Now, what's up your sleeve, Wyvern." He asks, tilting his head to the side, his tone suspicious. "You wouldn't want to renegotiate the deal, would you?"

"Eh? Oh, no no, friend, not at all." He slicked his hair back, rolling his eyes slightly. "But I'm rather eager to know, when we are sharing said profits."

Crimson glances at Mariah again, before chuckling. His voice is smug. "You're eager?" He asks, a grin on his face. His tail swishes back and forth as he chuckles again. "You're like a puppy who can't wait for their bowl of dinner to arrive." "Soon, my friend. Soon we'll have our profits to share..." A mischievous twinkle is in his gold eye as he looks Wyvern dead in the eyes.


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