|Till death do us part|

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Wyvern was now clapping his hands together impatiently, as he ordered his goons around, trying to get his daughter ready before she was due to be wed, while Crimson was waiting outside.

Crimson is stood outside the mansion, his head held high, arms crossed by his side. He's dressed in his finest suit, every button done up, collar straight, shoes shined to perfection, and gold tooth glinting in the midday sun. He waits patiently, tail flicking back and forth. A sly grin crosses his face, as he looks down onto his wrist, checking his watch for the time. He looks over at the wedding preparations. He sighs, grinning to himself. With all the prep, it shouldn't be long now.

"What are you talking about? She looks fine to me." Wyvern grumbled, complaining to the makeup artist.

"Oh, she looks splendid." The imp's tone is filled with sarcasm. "But I prefer my girls a little bit messier. A little bit...rougher around the edges." He grins, a teasing twinkle in his golden eye. "So...she can't look 'fine' to me."

"Pfft, of course she'll look rough. She's from wrath after all." Wyvern crossed his arms over his chest.

Crimson snickers. "Ah, you're right. She's from the ring where all the brutes and savages reside." He chuckles. "But I'm from the ring of luxury and class, remember? The world revolves around us, doesn't it, Wyvern?" He looks up at the older mob boss, grinning wide.

"You'd like to think so." He promptly rolled his eyes, turning back to the makeup artist...as he tapped his foot on the ground impatiently.

"Ahhh, Wyvern. Such a stubborn guy, you are! Even your eyes know that you'll never be able to surpass my own genius." Crimson turns back to Mariah, looking her up and down. A smug twinkle is in his eyes as he takes in her messy appearance, a twinkle of admiration. "I like what I see, Wyvern..." Crimson grins at the makeup artist. "You're doing a fine job. This girl needs no further modifications...she's perfect the way she is."

"Right then, let's just get this whole ordeal over with then, eh?" He snapped his fingers together again, clearly ready to get this wedding over with.

"Fine. I'm done with waiting. Her makeup artist has done an AMAZING job." The imp claps his hands together, gazing at Mariah eagerly as her father continues to rush the makeup artist. "So... let's get this wedding underway. I've been WAITING too long for it." The imp grins broadly, tail flicking back and forth. A golden tooth shines in the midday sun as Crimson looks down at his wrist, checking the time again. He sighs, and looks back up at his fiance's father.

He cleared his throat, walking over to stand under the arbor, beckoning Crimson over with his finger.

Crimson glances over at the older mob boss, an excited, cocky twinkle in his golden eyes. His tail flicks back and forth quickly as the imp walks over to the arbor.  "Right." He says simply; his hands still behind his back. "This is what I've been waiting for..."

"Tch." He simply rolls his eyes, standing tall...as the piano starts playing a slow melody...

Crimson listens, eyes darting back and forth. Tail flicking and swishing back and forth, listening intently to the melody. There is no doubt that the imp is as excited and giddy as he possibly can be. His eyes dart over to the piano player, as his gold tooth glints in the warm rays from the midday sun. After a few seconds, Crimson looks back up at the older mob boss, his eyes twinkling.  "Time to get this started. I'm getting impatient."

"Hmph." He snapped his fingers again, a little too impatiently...as his daughter slowly started walking down the white carpet, towards the arbor. Her tear-stained face was a little too solemn at the moment, as Wyvern rubbed his forehead irritability.

Crimson watches her every step, tail flicking back and forth. His gold tooth glints in the sunlight as he eyes Mariah up and down once more. The imp's eyes scan her figure, taking in her shape as he stands under the arbor, grinning. There is an almost predatory gleam in his eye, a hint of excitement mixed in with the malice. It's clear that he's thoroughly enjoying himself as Mariah approaches them.

She finally stopped, now standing beside Crimson, though her gaze was indefinitely set on the floor. Crimson is almost drooling as his eyes move up and down Mariah's body, lingering on specific parts. There is clearly something about his fiance that catches his attention. He clears his throat, his grin growing even broader as he leans towards Mariah. "My dear," His voice is warm, his tone is smooth. "You're simply adorable." Crimson pauses, looking into her eyes with a smug grin. "Don't be nervous, now." He grins. The marriage officiant nods at them both, clearing their throat before they began speaking.

Crimson looks back at the officiant with a smug grin. "Very well, then."
Crimson leans back with his hands still behind his back as he gazes over at Mariah, his tail moving slowly back and forth. He speaks in a smooth and charming tone.  "I, Crimson, do take thee, Mariah, to be my lawful wife, in love, and in health. For better, for worse..." He pauses, staring intently at his fiance's face.

"...'til death do us part."

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