|Beside Oneself|

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Crimson would open the back door to his sudan, bowing slightly as a sly smirk curved on his face. Mariah would nervously enter the car, with Crimson climbing in after her. Moments later, the ignition would start, as a subordinate drives them to Crimson's estate.

Crimson grin widens, as the car's engine whirs to life. He looks over at Mariah, who remains silent. "You excited?" He asks, his tone full of mirth. His expression is filled with amusement. "I hope you know what's coming." His tail sways back and forth slightly. "I hope you know what's coming." He repeats after Mariah stays quiet, grinning cheekily at her.

Mariah was a woman of few words, and now she was slumped down in the leathery seats of Crimson's Sudan...even more hushed than her usual self. But eventually, she'd sigh, and turn to Crimson. "Yes I ... I understand what is expected of me." She stuttered ever so slightly.

"Good." Crimson replies, smirking. "You know, you really should relax..." He chuckles to himself, his tail swaying behind him. "After all. This is a very special occasion." A faint twinkle shines in his golden eyes as he speaks. His smile widens as he looks at his wife, who he considers to have all to himself.

She hated to admit it, but there was something in Crimson that Mariah found comforting. Perhaps it was his formidable charm? Or his expansive ego? But no...no! She couldn't get ahead of herself just yet. This man was just another Wyvern, another cruel and malicious person. Another person who wanted to dominate, and take control of those around them. She learned all too well what these people were like, and the consequences of crossing them.

Crimson chuckles quietly at Mariah's nervous expression. "Don't worry, doll. Everything's gonna be fine...I promise." He reaches his hand out to her, placing it on her leg. "Just...relax..." Crimson sighs, a content smile on his face. "All that worry is only gonna take years off your life. And I don't want that."

She shuddered slightly at Crimson's touch, subtly scooting herself away from him. Mariah would look out the window of the black Sudan, tapping her fingers against her thigh anxiously.

Crimson frowns as he sees her move away from him. "Hey, hey, hey..." He says, the tone of his voice becoming firmer. "Where do you think you're going?" He looks at her, his eyes cold and unfeeling. "Sit still." Crimson's tail stops swaying, as he watches Mariah. He's starting to get impatient, and it's starting to show.

She slowly stopped tapping her fingers, trying to push this feeling of pure dread down. Her gaze soon drifted over to Crimson again, widening in slight fear.

Crimson leans over towards her, his golden eye burning holes into her soul. He's glaring at her. He reaches out and grabs her hand, pulling her toward him. "You think you know what you're in for..." He growls, his other hand moving towards her neck. His tail stops swaying around behind him. "That's cute." His grip on her neck tightens. "But I'm gonna make you find out the hard way."

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