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(Returning to present time)

Crimson's head suddenly jolts to the side. He looks to his right to see Wyvern standing beside him, a stern expression on his face. His arms are crossed. His eyes are piercing. "...What?" The mafia boss's voice is deep, and it cuts through the air like a sword.

Wyvern doesn't blink, he seems very upset by something. "How soon, is 'soon?'" He grunted, clearly not happy about the situation.

Crimson's expression remains stern, his gaze focused on Wyvern. "Why? What's the hurry, buddy?" He asks, the word 'buddy' dripping with bitterness. The mafia boss raises an eyebrow. His tail stops swaying back and forth. Crimson's stance is intimidating. "I'll give you your cut when I damn well please."

Wyvern quickly realized that he should have discussed the time of payment, while they were having their meeting. "I don't have a lot of time on my hands, as you very much know." He paused, rubbing the bridge of his nose with annoyance. "I'll give you two weeks, to make the payment. And as soon as you do, I'll give ya my cut of the money...as to what we previously agreed."

"Hm." Crimson eyes his business partner, before nodding. "Fine. Two weeks. And you'll have your cut." Crimson's tail starts swaying back and forth again, in a casual gesture.
"Anything else? No?" He asks, his tone mocking.

Wyvern stayed silent, thinking for a moment.

Crimson laughs. "You know what, Wyvern? You're not the most threatening. At all." Crimson rolls his eyes, his tail stopping its swaying. "You need me far more than I need you. If you wanna try and threaten me, be my guest. But be warned." "My organization is far more powerful than you can ever imagine..." Crimson's expression fills with pure disdain as he looks at Wyvern. "...buddy?" He asks with a cruel smirk.

Wyvern grunted slightly. "You do realize what happens, if I don't get the goods, correct?" He smiled a toothy grin, his sharp fangs shining brightly in the sunlight.

"Oh? Really?" Crimson pauses, raising an eyebrow. "And what will happen?" He leans back. "Are you trying to threaten me, Wyvern?" His tone is stern and cold, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "That's precious. Really." His tail sways back and forth. "But hey," He chuckles softly. "Good luck with that."

As it seems the two mobsters come to a standstill, Mariah would suddenly reach out, gently grabbing Crimson's hand. "Hey..." She said softly to him.

Crimson turns to look over at Mariah, raising an eyebrow. "What, doll?" He asks, a grin on his face.
His tail keeps swaying behind him.
"What do ya need?" He looks down at her, as a look of curiosity enters his expression. There's a trace of a twinkle in the corner of his gold eyes as he looks at his wife.

"You two are at a dead end...can't you agree on something, please...?" Her voice is a little shaky, the nervousness obvious in her gaze.

Crimson sighs, a faint hint of exasperation on his face. "Sweety...you know how difficult it is to negotiate with your daddy..." His tail stops swaying. "...But you're goddamn right." He looks up at Wyvern. "Two weeks. And that's final. If he doesn't like it, he can stuff it." He stares at Wyvern, daring him to argue.

Wyvern scoffed, as if he were offended that his daughter would intervene between the two bosses. Yet he said no more, simply nodding his agreement.

A slight smile spreads across Crimson's face, as he looks back at Mariah. "Looks like my sweet, sweet wife has managed to broker a deal. What an ace." He chuckles softly, taking her hand.

Wyvern rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, muttering something under his breath that Crimson and Mariah can't quite make out.

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