Take Up This Terracotta Armour, For The Hunt Begins Part 5

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A minute later, Willa and Liza were outside the hotel. Liza kicked a rock out of frustration, while Willa kept her eyes on the horizon. She watched the water ripple and splash against the rocky beaches.

"Now what?" Liza asked.

Willa took a deep breath. "I'm going to find Clara's kids and Hina, and then I'm going to help Jenny and Caleb."

"Good plan."

There were faint traces of raspberry in the field. Somehow, Hina and the kids had managed to skid down the cliff without any injuries. Following that, the trail led north towards the town proper, and went cold near the water. Willa wanted to swim into the water to find the kids, but Liza reminded her that Jenny and Caleb still needed assistance.

Travelling through the murky woods, Willa dispatched a few rabbits and squirrels with the collar. Through the townsite, they found themselves close by the same red chairs where, days earlier, Willa and Jenny had discussed the future.

There wasn't a pack of wolves. No, there were more than that. Willa smelled deer, moose, at least three bears, multiple big-horned sheep, and hawks. A speck waved hello in the distance. That was Caleb. Another speck waved rapidly in the air. That was Jenny.

A hawk dove for Willa's amulet, only to be shot by Liza. Willa took advantage of this by collaring the hawk. All of the animals turned towards Willa, as their eyes filled with an eerie pale flame. Willa growled, and leapt into the fray.

What happened next passed her by in a blur. All Willa remembered was that she tore through half of the animals there with her discus lighting a sky blue trail through the moonlit night. Her legs buckled more than once, yet Willa kept fighting onwards. At one point, Liza covered for her as Willa found herself facing off against a white-tailed deer.

Eventually, all four of them were forced to the edge of the water, a crowd of animals hemming them in. Liza kept her gun cocked, yet both she and Willa knew that she was running out of pellets. Jenny kept her eyes on the skyline, waiting for reinforcements. Willa still had collars and her armour was soaked in blood. A particularly menacing cougar growled, forcing the four into the water. Willa kept her eyes trained on the animals, watching for any sudden movements.

Suddenly, Caleb tapped Jenny's shoulder.


"I hear something." Caleb turned his head towards the mountains.

Willa's ears pricked up. Sure enough, she heard a low rumbling, and coming closer by the second. Her eyes shifted focus as the source of the rumbling sound came into view. It was...

"A boat?" Liza exclaimed. "Who's boating at this hour?"

There was indeed a boat in the water. Sleek, smelling of fresh mountain water...and coming right at the beach. What were they trying to accomplish here?!

"They're heading for us!" Willa yelled.

She yanked Liza to the right as Jenny did the same to Caleb. The boat was larger than Willa initially assumed, yet whoever was driving it had enough skill—or stupidity—for the boat to completely jump out of the water. She watched as the boat gracefully sailed over her head before crashing into the pack of animals, leaving a messy trail of pulverised wet rocks and several animals caught within its trail. The propeller ceased spinning, clearly never being able to run again. Willa's nostrils detected something...raspberries?

Hina popped up behind the driver's seat. "Ha~a."

"What happened?" Nina's voice was familiar and comforting to Willa, who let her shoulders relax. "Where's Ate Willa and Liza?"

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