Behind Terracotta Walls, The Finest Green Rose Stands Resolute Part 5

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This was turning into Róisín's worst day. First, her money was stolen by the bitch known as Ganymede. After that, she was forced to serve as an escort and to fly in economy class. After that indignity, Róisín's hair and clothing were ruined by qi bullets and the maddening revelation that someone knew about the Houses and the Gates. Ganymede refused to rightfully give her money back and to top it off, Willa decided to faint out of nowhere, and now Ganymede was blaming her for it when she had nothing to do with it.


This was not foreseen. Reprogramming the car to drive to the nearest mall entrance that is less frequented by visitors....destination set. Do not aggravate the Dog's condition further than you already have.

"Again, it wasn't my fault! She was staring into her telescope one moment, and the next she fell unconscious! I had nothing to do with this!" This woman and her stubborn insistence on her being at fault here. Well, she wasn't. Something itched at her throat.

The rudimentary sensors located within this vehicle indicated that the Dog had overexerted herself. While the telescope is an unknown variable, the scans indicated that the regenerative capabilities were transferred to you and Hina Nishikawa. Which means that you are to blame for her condition.

She ignored Ganymede's admonitions and decided to watch Hina in the backseat napping. Her mind was untroubled by all that transpired, Róisín thought. She wondered if the Libra was as equally carefree as her friend. The Libra, Aunt Alcyone had once told her, was connected to the air element, yet both held beauty in high esteem. She was flighty, or at least that's what her Aunt Asterope had mentioned after a long night of dealing with the investors. If the Libra was Japanese, she should learn a few basic phrases. Aunt Maia had tried to teach her multiple languages, but she had no natural aptitude. All she knew were a few basic phrases in Irish Gaelic and Thai.

Willa was slumped over the dashboard. She refused to rouse after Róisín poked her in the shoulder or after being lightly tapped on her arm. Aunt Celaeno mentioned that unlike hers, some of the others' powers weren't as sustainable and needed more energy. Energy was drawn from the amulets, she mentioned, but if that wasn't available, the energy from their environment or their bodies would be used instead. Róisín assumed that their amulets had the same amount of energy needed to do anything, so what was wrong with the Dog's amulet—

Water dripped onto Róisín's face. In disgust, she wiped her face with her hands. It was coloured black, which was a strange colour for water to have. Black water was associated with—

Doko de sore o teniireta nodesu ka?

Róisín was about to protest when she realised that the question was directed towards Hina—who was now holding one of the element guns in her hand.

"Jimen de mitsuketa yo, Ganimede-san," was Hina's response.

Róisín hoped that one of the qualities that made the Libra select Hina as a friend was proper training in weaponry and how to use them. The Aquarius appeared as a logo of two glowing blue waves, but Róisín knew that she was deep in thought.

Change in destination. The car will park outside the Bramalea City Centre by the least frequented entrance. I have already finished hacking into the mall's surveillance network and the surrounding areas. You are to acquire three burner phones, all three marked by the Aquarius glyph. Be wary of any suspicious persons, and I will meet you at the Scotiabank ATM.

She hated being used as an errand girl, but she reminded herself that the Aquarius was holding her money hostage. The sooner she completed these degrading tasks, the sooner her funds would be rightfully restored to her. If not...she had a hammer and several cybersecurity experts working on finding the Aquarius' location.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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