2: Blessed Mercy

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"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." (Psalm 32:8)

There are three things we can see about God's forgiveness. First of all, God is our Wise Instructor. He wants us to seek wisdom from Him because "[He] gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6). We cannot discern right from wrong with our own understanding, and that's why we need His heavenly wisdom to make good decisions in our lives.

Next, God is our Well-versed Teacher. According to Isaiah 55:9, it shows us that we are created with limited knowledge, which must be that the Creator should have unlimited knowledge-that points us to God. Evidently in Psalm 139:1-6, David gives praises to God about His all-knowing and infinite knowledge. He knows every detail, and it is right for Him to teach us His ways because He knows better than we do.

And lastly, God is our Warmhearted Counselor (Psalm 16:7). He wants us to see that listening to His counsels and obeying His ways is His attribute of being holy and righteous, as we're commanded to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). It should be clear that just God faithfully forgives us from sin doesn't mean we can go back in sinning because it would only put us at enmity with Him. We are not to use His grace as a license to sin as Romans 6:1-2 says. That's the danger of spiritual complacency. Moreover, the reason why He gives counsel is because He has his "loving eye on you" (Psalm 32:8). Although the process is difficult to accept, but that's part of our spiritual discipline.

To sum it up, when we sinned against God, we should ask for His mercy, seek to His Word, and follow in His ways because He instructs us wisely, teaches us deeply, and counsels us wonderfully. We should not forget also that He loves us. 😊

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