6: Meditate, Illuminate

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"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)

Have you experienced being lost in path when going to many places? How did you feel when you went down in that wilderness? What are your ways when you're in the middle of that deep blue sea?

To be honest, being lost is a frightening moment. We feel anxious, weary, and confused about where to go. That's why we need a guide when we travel places. Same thing in our wandering life, and that's why need His Word that serves as our illumination. Sometimes, we make our own ways to escape in situations we feel lost. But it is the pride that makes us think that we can solve problems on our own.

Meditating His Word is a crucial discipline in our spiritual walk. God establishes and directs our life pathway if we meditate in His Word (Psalm 37:23) because He's the One who illuminates our ways, so we can see His direction and His plans for us. When we feel lost and lost again, let us meditate on His Word and fix our eyes on His ways (Psalm 119:15).😊

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