8: It's Bitter, Isn't It?

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"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103)

We love kind words that tickles our ears. We accept sweet words that soothes our minds. We cherish gracious words that flatters our hearts. Likewise in the verse of the day, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103). However, if we read something in the Bible that doesn't match to our perspectives, opinions, desires, and wants because we think it doesn't favor us, would still His words be sweeter than honey? Do we consider them as bitter?

One ingredient that makes us hinder in listening His Word could be the pride living in our hearts, which heeds only "good to hear" words that, in fact, are sweeter lies, rather than "good for soul" of bitter truths. In our very own perspective, we may perceive some of His words are bitter truths when we disregard them because it doesn't favor us, but the reality is the sweetness of God's Word possesses an everlasting sweet taste, good aroma and stronger shelf life.

To be honest, God's Word was, is, and will always be sweeter than honey. The only problem is that maybe it's not His Word that's bitter, but maybe it's our pride that's bitter. It's bitter, isn't it? 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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