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Bab 151 Saya Melakukannya, Bagaimana Anda Memperlakukannya?

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Upacara Akbar Bulan Salju telah resmi dimulai!


Ribuan meriam upacara meledak di langit.

Kembang api yang indah langsung membuat langit berwarna-warni dan mempesona.

Para pejabat di istana semuanya tersenyum ketika mereka menyaksikan pemandangan ini.

Kemudian, para pelayan cantik masuk satu demi satu, membagikan Pil Panjang Umur kepada semua orang yang hadir.

Anda harus tahu bahwa Pil Panjang Umur dapat memperpanjang umur seseorang hingga dua puluh tahun. Ini benar-benar harta yang tak ternilai harganya!

Ini bisa dianggap sebagai hadiah dari Snow Moon City untuk mereka!

"Pil Panjang Umur!"

"Terimalah semuanya!"

Chu Cangxuan tersenyum murah hati dan berkata.

"Tuan Kota Tuan, kamu terlalu baik!"

Para pejabat dari Benua Sembilan Surga semuanya berterima kasih kepada Chu Cangxuan dengan tangan terkepal.

Each person present received a Longevity Pill, and throughout the entire Nine Heavens Continent, perhaps only Snow Moon City had such heritage and magnanimity.


Chu Cangxuan smiled and then waved his hand.

"Bring them up!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

An old man slowly walked up to the palace with a beautiful figure.

"Today, at the Snow Moon Grand Ceremony."

"I have two announcements to make!"

"The first one is about Miss Chu Li."

"A few days ago, Chu Li killed my future City Lord of Snow Moon City, her elder brother Chu Chen."

"According to the rules of Snow Moon City, Chu Li, the fratricide, should be subjected to a thousand cuts to cleanse her sins!"

"However, considering that the Prince of the Sword Dynasty, Ye Changsheng, pleaded for her."

"Today, I will spare her from the cruel punishment and marry her to Prince Changsheng!"

"Do any of you have any objections?"

Chu Cangxuan smiled and looked at the dignitaries in front of the palace.


"Of course not!"

"Miss Chu Li and Prince Changsheng are a match made in heaven!"

"That's right! If she can go to the Sword Dynasty, it would be a great thing!"

"Yes! The alliance between the Sword Dynasty and Snow Moon City is a great thing!"

The dignitaries of the Nine Heavens Continent all spoke up. With the Longevity Pill they received, they could say whatever they wanted.

They were experts at saying one thing to one person and another thing to another.

Fantasi: Masuk Dari Rahim, Lahir Sebagai Antagonis UtamaWhere stories live. Discover now