To the Tower

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The chapter begins with Oscar crossing a bridge and going through some ruined buildings. He goes up some stairs and onto a balcony with a crank connected to a chain. He pulls it and opens a gate in a nearby archway. Ruby pulls up in the jet ski below him.

"Down here!" She called out

Oscar drops down into the jet ski and takes control. They ride through the archway and encounter more enemies in the buildings.

"Take 'em out, Ruby!" He ordered.

The duo keep riding through the streets of water shooting down any hostiles they see. They eventually approach another gate held up by two large counterweights. They shoot the chains that hold the up and the weights go down in the water. The gate opens and they head in. They get to a riverbank and Oscar gets off the jet ski.

"You've got to get to that tower! I'll meet you back at the customs house." Ruby said, driving away.

Oscar heads off, walking through a doorway and into a courtyard in front of the tower where more pirates were. He takes cover behind a wall and another shootout commences. Oscar proves to be the better fighter and gets them all.

"At this point, he's like a one man army." Weiss remarked.

"But he's a thief, not a soldier." Yang pointed out, confused.

The ex-heiress pinched the bridge of her nose. "I mean, he's LIKE a soldier with no combat experience taking out an army of pirates."

"Oh." The blonde-brawler said, understanding now.

Oscar enters the tower and climbs up a chain to the other level. He then finds another chain to the next level. He climbs up it and keeps going to the top using a staircase that's still intact. He reaches the roof of the tower and takes the zipline down using his pistol again. Ruby sees him go down from the dock they were at. Oscar gets inside the building from the roof and hears a knock at the door.

"Hey, Oscar, let me in!" Ruby's faint voice shouted from outside.

Oscar aims his pistol and shoots the lock off the door. "It's open." He called out as Ruby entered the building. They continue their journey. "Alright, let's find a way to the harbor and hope the boat's still there."

End of chapter

Lucy starts the next chapter.

(Yes, some of these chapters are short, but I'm diving them like the game does. There will be longer ones.)

RWBY reacts to Uncharted: Oscar's FortuneWhere stories live. Discover now