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"Hey! Come on! Last time!" Su-ri begged me while Seungmin sat down on his phone looking like a homeless with his hood on. "No! I'm not doing it." I mumbled, pushing her softly away. "What a jerk." She mumbled laughing as me and her playfully fought. "Miss Y/N and Kim Su-ri!" The teacher warned us, however we quickly turned our innocent faces on and the rest of the class who looked annoyed as f*ck.

"Oh, sorry teach!" I said quickly bowing down as Seungmin looked annoyed too. "You guys are too much." He whispered while me and Su-ri tried holding our laughter. "Oh shut up emo." I mumbled making Su-ri die of laughter. "Kim Su-ri, last warning!" The teacher scolded her, we only had a few minutes left before the cafeteria began.

As we walked into the cafeteria, the excitement of lunchtime filled the air. My friends Seungmin and Su-ri were walking next to me, but Seungmin was glued to his phone as usual. "Put that phone down," I said as I grabbed it from his hand. "You need to socialize with us!" I scolded him playfully. Seungmin grumbled but didn't argue as Su-ri started to play with his hair. "Aww, bro, why are you mad?" She teased. I couldn't help but chuckle at their playful banter. "Oof, I might sit with my friends today," Seungmin said, rolling his eyes. "Are you tired of us already?" I joked loud enough for everyone around us to hear.

As I settled in beside Minho, my close friend, he muttered sardonically, "Looks like this girl is back again," mockingly rolling his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at his playful annoyance, teasing him, "Aw, don't act like you're not excited to see me." But just as we started catching up, our other friends Seungmin and Su-ri walked up and joined us. Seungmin noticed Minho's solo seating arrangement and asked, "Why were you sitting alone?" Minho nonchalantly replied as he took a bite of his apple, "Felix bailed on me again."

As I hung out with Minho and our other friends, Su-ri couldn't help but laugh playfully when she said, "Felix is such a bitch." Minho shrugged it off and took another bite of his apple, "Oh well, he's just too busy planning the party to be bothered with me."Minho joined in, "Yeah, it's going to be at his house and he's so rich that half of the students can fit, but he only invites popular people." I couldn't help but smile at the idea of going to the party at Felix's house, even though I knew it would be crowded. But I was still excited to hang out with Minho and our other friends, especially since it was going to be a fun party.

As I was chatting with Minho, I couldn't help but laugh when he teased me. But then I saw that there were like eight to ten girls waiting at a specific table, all eagerly waiting for Hyunjin to arrive. Hyunjin was the king of the school, hanging out with multiple groups and being liked by everyone, including older people, people his age, and the cool kids. I knew that Minho, Seungmin, and Hyunjin were close friends, and that's how I ended up at the party.

"Hm... Y/N?" Su-ri's voice broke through my daydreams, snapping me back to reality. I looked around to see all of my friends staring at me. "Sorry, what's up?" I asked, sensing their annoyance. "We've been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes. Were you in another world or something?" Seungmin asked, his tone slightly frustrated. "Seriously, Y/N. Pay attention," Minho added, taking another bite of his apple.

I let out a small chuckle and rubbed my tired eyes. "Yeah, sorry about that." I replied sheepishly, feeling a little guilty for not paying attention to my friends. While the boys chatted amongst themselves about random topics, Su-ri leaned over and whispered to me, "So, what are you wearing to the party?" I thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "Jeans and a hoodie, I guess?" I whispered back, but Su-ri's expression turned into one of annoyance and disbelief. "Y/N, no way. You need something more killer than that. Come to my place after school," she said with a smirk, already planning out my outfit for me.

I raised an eyebrow at Su-ri, wondering what she had in store for me. Before I could question her further, Minho interrupted us by asking me to get him an apple. I rolled my eyes at him, "Haven't you already had like four?" I asked, feeling slightly annoyed. "Come on, please? I'll give you a tip," he pleaded, digging into his purse. Su-ri quickly stood up for me, "No way, go get it yourself. And put that purse away," she scolded him. Seungmin chuckled at the situation, "He's just too shy to get up there so many times," he joked as I reluctantly took the $10 bill Minho offered me.

As I walked over to get Minho an apple, I absentmindedly checked my phone for any new text messages from my mother. But before I knew it, I collided with something or someone with a loud BAM! Suddenly, I found myself sitting on the floor, clutching my forehead in pain. The cafeteria fell silent, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice ask from above me. It was a voice I didn't recognize. As I slowly opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of none other than Prince Hyunjin himself, that arrogant jerk. "Oof, watch where you're going," I muttered, feeling completely embarrassed. "Me? You're the one who walked into me," he snapped back, his annoying boy group snickering in the background. "Ouch..." I winced, touching my forehead. It was throbbing painfully, and I could already see a small bruise forming.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Hyunjin's arrogant behavior. "Gosh, so annoying," I muttered, feeling the beginning of a headache forming. Just as I was about to stand up, Su-ri walked over to me, offering me her hand. "Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly at Hyunjin and his group.

I looked up at Hyunjin as he spoke, feeling a sudden pang of annoyance towards him. "Watch where you're going next time," he said, his voice sharp. I just about managed to stifle a sigh of exasperation. "Oh, shut up, Prince Hyunjin my ass," Su-ri said, her voice filled with a rare edge of venom. Even the others (his group) were laughing and chuckling, but I could sense that Hyunjin was actually annoyed.

I sat down at the table, feeling a little better now that the headache was gone. Seungmin and Minho were still laughing and Hyunjin was looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Awhh, my bae, are you okay?" Su-ri asked, her voice filled with concern. I nodded, feeling a little annoyed. "That bitchy jerk," I said, rolling my eyes. Su-ri frowned in annoyance. 

Please don't hate, i'm trying!! :)

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