Bts Concert

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As we approached our destination, we observed passengers embarking and disembarking the bus. "This is our stop," Hyunjin announced while pressing the STOP button. I rose from my seat and prepared to exit, and shortly afterward, we disembarked the bus together. "Phew, it's a relief to escape the heat," I grumbled, relieved to get some fresh air after the stifling bus ride. Our journey towards Felix's home entailed a walk of approximately four to five minutes, during which Hyunjin double-checked his watch and offered to lead the way.

"alright this way!" he said, we were still wearning our uniforms and trust me, it got to the point where it was uncomfortable. His house was 4-5 minutes away, "uhm..Hyunjin." I said looking up at him.

"Yes?" He responded walking next to me with his hands in the pockets. "Why do you suddenly wanna become friends?" I asked him, I've already asked him this question but honestly, I just wanted to know the truth.

"Because! You're cool." He said forcing a smile, however I nod, did he really think I was cool?

Was he lying? why acting so suspicious? i don't know..maybe i'm begin dramatic. Maybe he's not that bad after all? hm..i don't know.

Hyunjin knocked on Felix's door and waited for him to open it. "Why isn't he answering?" he muttered, feeling annoyed. I didn't know the reason, but suddenly Felix opened the door with excitement and greeted us with hugs. However, his expression changed to suspicion. "Hey! Why are you guys still wearing your uniforms?" he asked. This made me a little nervous. "We got locked in detention for a really long time," Hyunjin replied, crossing his arms and showing his annoyance. "Detention?" Felix looked back and forth between us, questioning. "That seems a little suspicious to me," he teased, smirking. I rolled my eyes and said, "Come on, let's go. Stop being silly, Felix."

"What? I'm just joking," Felix teased and smirked. Hyunjin got agitated and started fussing with his hair, which just got ruined. "Hey! You ruined it," he muttered and looked at himself in the mirror one last time before following us. We decided to take Felix's dad's car since we had arrived by bus, but his dad was...well.. strange.

"What's up, kiddos!" Felix's dad greeted us as he sat in the front seat, with Hyunjin next to him while Felix and I sat in the back. Hyunjin showed respect by bowing his head, but I felt awkwardly sitting at the back. "Are you going to watch those handsome men dance, what are they called? BTS?" Felix's dad said and let out a silly laugh, which made me feel weirded out. "Dad, stop it," Felix said, feeling embarrassed. "Yes, their name is BTS," Hyunjin replied with a smile. "I used to be a fan of those too!" Felix's dad said, trying to fit in. "Dad, they weren't even alive during your time, stop acting like this," Felix said awkwardly.

The awkward silence in the car was unbearable. "Pst, Felix," I whispered to him while his dad was singing to a strange song. "Yes?" he whispered back, giving me a questioning look. "Thanks for the tickets!" I whispered back excitedly, smiling at him. "Anything for you," he said jokingly, making me give him an awkward stare.

"Kiddos! Do you want some McDonald's, Chick-fil-A, or Burger King before the concert?" Felix's dad asked, causing Felix to let out an annoyed sigh. "No, dad, and stop calling us kiddos," Felix responded, causing his dad to let out an annoyed sigh. "Well, we're here now, or rather, you're here," his dad said as he parked the car.

We got out of the car. Unfortunately, I was still wearing my uniform, which annoyed me because we had front row tickets, and I could have met my love of my life, V from BTS. "Felix?" I said while Hyunjin stretched his body after getting out. "Mhm?" Felix responded, taking a video of the concert. "Who else is coming?" I asked him, yawning. "Minho," he responded, making me raise my eyebrows. Minho was coming?! Yes!!

We got into the concert, and we bought some lightsticks and snacks. We walked over to our number, which was front row. I saw Minho sitting on his phone, and I greeted him. "Hey, Minho!" I said, sitting next to him. "Ew, you're still wearing that crusty uniform!" he said, making Felix and Hyunjin chuckle a little. "Fuck off," I responded, annoyed.

As the concert started, I felt my heart race with anticipation. "Omg, omg!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. Hyunjin, however, only sat on his phone, not looking too enthusiastic. "Omg, it's happening!" Felix and Minho jumped up and down like fangirls, and I began gasping with excitement.

Wait..wasn't Hyunjin a fan of BTS? why did he come then.. 

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