''Just a bet?''

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I hurriedly followed after him, clutching my bag tightly as I walked briskly. "Hyunjin?" I called out, trying to catch up with his fast pace. "Hyunjin!" I repeated, my voice filled with urgency, causing a few annoyed glances from passersby. Finally reaching him, I desperately grabbed his wrist. "Hyunjin," I gasped, feeling exhausted. He turned to face me, a touch of madness in his eyes, and a dangerous smirk playing on his lips. "What?" he snapped, sounding both annoyed and defensive.

I could sense that he was in a completely different state than usual. He forcefully pulled his hand away from mine, his anger evident in his words. "Don't ever touch me," he growled with madness in his eyes. The way he looked at me, it was as if he wanted to harm me. I couldn't understand what I had done to upset him so deeply. "You're not worth my time," he spat out, giving me a gentle push as he stormed off. I stood there, shocked, confused, and mostly scared by his sudden change in behavior.

what's wrong with him..

"Y/N?" I heard Minho's voice behind me, and it felt like a lump formed in my throat. Turning around, I saw his concerned expression. Despite trying to put on a brave face, my cheeks turned red, betraying my sadness. Minho approached me with worry evident in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, gently patting my head. Deep down, I knew that if I opened up, tears would start flowing uncontrollably. But I mustered up a forced smile and replied, "Yeah!" Trying to hide my true emotions. Without hesitation, Minho embraced me tightly, offering comfort in his embrace. As he whispered, "I told you he's a bad influence," my heart sank. He had witnessed everything, and it weighed heavily on me.

Felix entered the conv, clearly worn out from carrying something heavy. "MINHO! You let me carry all these bags—" Felix's voice trailed off as he looked up and saw Minho hugging me tightly, tears streaming down my face. The people around us began to give curious looks, sensing the tension in the air. Concerned, Felix's smile faded, and he approached me gently. "My baby... Are you okay?" he asked with worry in his eyes, only to be silenced by a stern look from Minho.

why was i even crying..this isn't me..is it because he yelled at me? or..because of the embarrasment? both?..

Hyunjins POV:

I sat at the table with her, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration. Suddenly, she received a text from Felix, and I couldn't understand why it affected me so much. After a moment, I abruptly stood up and stormed off, not wanting to confront the emotions stirring inside me. But as I tried to distance myself, she reached out and grabbed my wrist, her smile fading as she looked at me. In that moment, I knew I had to stay strong and manipulate her to win the bet. It was her turn to apologize, or so I convinced myself. With a gentle push, I distanced myself from her, not wanting to physically hurt her despite knowing my words had surely inflicted their own pain.

As I walked away, a wave of doubt washed over me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I shouldn't go through with this. The look on her face as I pushed her away shattered my heart into pieces. Suddenly, I glanced back and saw her hugging Minho, tears streaming down her face. In that moment, something strange welled up inside me - guilt. It was a foreign emotion that I never thought I would feel in a situation like this. I tried to brush it off, reminding myself that she was just a part of this foolish bet. "Come on, Hyunjin," I scolded myself internally. "Focus! Don't let this distract you!" But deep down, I couldn't deny that something had shifted within me.

"She's just a bet."

Bet? ☆ Y/N+ Hyunjin☆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt