Chapter 22

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*Uzi makes her way back with Y/N following behind her to the camo sight*

Uzi: (Whispering to get N's attention) Psst. Hey.

(N looks behind him. He sees Uzi, with her new bug friend.)


N: (Yelling, thus indirectly letting V know she's here) Uzi, get on out here! (Insect: :0) This troop's a team! (Realizing he may have gotten V's attention) WAIT, NO, INCLUSIVE REFLEXES!

(V looks back)

Insect: D:!! (It flees.)

Uzi: (Coming out of hiding) Uh, hehe, hey, everyone.

(Everyone screams at her for showing up. Braidon accidentally shoots an arrow in her direction. However, she and Y/N use their powers to stop it... Only for her temperature to rise again and morph the arrow into a fleshy, bloody mess.)

Uzi: (Nervously freaked out) Um, ignore all this! Uh... I was just... Going... (Oil shoots out from the student's corpse like a fountain.) I LIVE IN THE WOODS NOW! (She retreats back into the woods.)

Y/N: ! enjoy the camping trip *Runs after Uzi

Braidon: ...Who were those drones?

(Uzi retreats into a nearby cabin and barricades the door Y/N gets in before. She uses her powers to force all the doors and windows shut. She reaches into her backpack and tries to grab out an arm, only for a nearby clock's ticking to drive her crazy, to the point she has to use her powers to destroy it and the lights. Except for one. Uzi attempts to destroy it, but everything around her turns red as a fleshy abomination manifests...)

Y/N: ! Uzi are you alright *The moment their hand toches Uzi*

Y/N screen: Solver.ExE [100% [//////////////////] Solver.EXE activating

(Meanwhile, N is trying to prevent V from attempting to harm Uzi.)

N: V, we can't hurt Uzi!

V: We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us-

N: And what if we had to do the same to Y/N

V: ....

N: And I don't even know what you're talking about because you won't tell me! (He frees himself from V's grasp using his claw.) What're you so afraid of!?

V: I'm not afraid...!

N: I am! Uzi is! She's a kid, like us, V even Y/N probably is! What is WRONG with you!?

(No response. N sighs and tosses his clipboard at her.)

N: Look after the campers. (He flies off in pursuit of Uzi.)

Lizzy: Hot. (V is unamused.) Not hot? You're too good for him.

V: I don't care If you think that I prefer my partner

(V turns to the other campers.)

V: Do whatever you want. (She stomps off. Rebecca gestures to Darren that they should sneak off.)

(Darren and Rebecca are wandering in the woods.)

Darren: We need to sneak this far just to make out?

Rebecca: It's about mood, Darren.

(Eventually, they reach a small, abandoned, creepy cabin.)

Rebecca: Nice.

Darren: Get it now!

(Darren attempts to push the door open but is unable to due to furniture blocking the way. He tries to turn the lights on, to no avail. After finally pushing the door open wide enough to enter, a flashlight rolls by itself on the ground in front of them, flickering on and off. Darren goes to pick it up...)


(The cabin door slams close by itself, startling the duo. Behind them, Uzi and Y/N, hiding in the shadows, Uzi laughs like a mad woman and spreads her wings out as she prepares to kill and feast upon them  well Y/N slashes at Rebecca...)

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