Chapter 32

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* Note I am putting this above the chapter to cut a loophole The metallokinesis ability does not work on any drone type it only works on metal obgects*its this way to not make anyone with it Overpowerd*

H: So you can manipulate metal

Y/N: With some help ya

H: Oh I'm surprised it doesn't come naturally to you Both me and Ruby can do it I thought it would pass down to you

Y/N: Mom can manipulate metal!

H: Oh you didn't know

Y/N: no

H: I'm surprised she didn't tell you she was always so proud of her talent with it


Ruby* is bending metal to make a metal snake* Sis look

H; I can see sis Good job *pets Ruby's head*

Ruby: I want to bend bigger things not just nuts a bolts

H: Well we can ask Dr. Lily

*saying this a Wemon wearing a White coat jeans and a black shirt with a bag on their side *the one Y/N wares*

Dr. Lily: Hestia, Ruby how is your day going

Ruby: good miss Lily 

Lily: Hestia

H: I'm Good

Lily: So how is your metallokinesis training going

Ruby: Fine but I want to try somthing bigger

Lily: What about you Hestia how is your metallokinesis going

H: It's going fine but ya can we try something bigger than a metal a metal pipe

Lily: I will ask the director and see what I can do

Ruby: Thank you, Miss Lily

*Flashback ends*

H: Ya so I'm surprised she stopped using it I can try and teach you how to use it if you have it

Y/N: really

H: Ya we can try and see if you have it

Y/N: How do we tell

H: Give me a second *goes to a table and looks for somthing* Here it is*pickes up a vile of liquid metal and puts it on a stand* Okay here is the test focuses on the liquid metal and try to make the liquid move you are not allowed to touch it or use that other power

Y/N: okay*Y/N clears their head and moves their hand up*

*The liquid metal doesn't move* 

Y/N: ...

H: it's okay it doesn't always work the first time try again

Y/N:  *repeats the steps*

*The liquid metal moves up a bit* 

H: ! you have it

Y/N:  I only moved it a small bit

H: It usually starts small but with more training, you could probably move more

Y/N: oh

H: yep

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