Chapter 28

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H; So how is your father

Y/N: I don't know

H: Did they leave my sister ill square them

Y/N: No I mean he died when I was too young to remember him I only remember some of the songs he would sing

H: Oh and her *points to V* What is her relationship with her 

Y/N: She is my partner

H: partner in what

Y/N: Oh no my romantic partner

H:! Oh well would you mind if I talked to her for a second

Y/N: V 

V: Shur I guess

*Once H and V are out of earshot*

V; So what did you want to talk to me about

H: I just want to say this if you heart them I will make sure you are erased from existence after I tocher you and make you wish the company had never made you go it

V: Yes ma'am

H: Good now be a good girl and let's head back

*Once they get back V sits next to Y/N*

V: Y/N your Aunt is fuking scary

Y/N: ah

H: So y are you four here?

Y/N: I told you most of the truth We were here with some others right now waiting for are transport to be fixed

H: oh

Y/N: I do Have a question how are X and U

H: X and Z were my squad mates though X left a while back the company said they needed him for something he was a jerk a lot of the time but he did show that he cared when it counted and Z was a crazy teammate but she worked hard and never let any of the humans hurt me even though she got some painful repercussion Here's a picture of her

H: X and Z were my squad mates though X left a while back the company said they needed him for something he was a jerk a lot of the time but he did show that he cared when it counted and Z was a crazy teammate but she worked hard and never let any...

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*Note this art and OC belong to GrymmShine on DeviantArt Im just using this as a reference]

H: So I guess they are technically your aunt and uncle and I'm glad you got your mother's smarts

Y/N: oh

H: Ya one day during testing see turned a toaster into what is a functional mini rocket launcher It did only fier tost but still the scientist that worked with us called it a toaster canon

Y/N: My mom did that The woman who refuses to even use a weapon and prefers to use words made that 

H: Yep and many more weird inventions by the way how is Ruby

Y/N: She is doing fine though I think she and Nico are a things so

H: Nico

Y/N: Ya he's a drone who helps Mom with stuff

H: Oh well it's been Nice meeting you but I'm getting tired the elevator is open You are free to go and if you ever get the time come visit okay especially once you have a UNN

Y/N & V: 0////0

*after that H goes back to sleep in her room and Y/N, V, N and Uzi go back up the elevator to the cabin*

N: well that was somthing 

Uzi: you got that right

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