Chapter 58

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*stepping forward Axel jumps at ?? with the metal pipe ?? blocking it with their tail*

??: so your are the one who wants to die first

Axel: wouldn't be the first time... both of you go I'll keep this one busy

V: you sure you can fight that thing

Axel: I'm sure *axels eyes flash a bright red and the metal pipe looks more like a long flail and they keep attacking ?? sending them back a bit*

V: alright

Y/N: Let's go

*Running past?? they enter the next room

??: ! 

*?? runs towards the door but Axel Stoped them from entering*

Axel: not happening you roch from hell

*deeper in the lab they see S looking at a giant dino robot in a test tube*

Y/N: S!

S: oh perfect timing *S starts laughing like a madman and V charges at him but before she gets there they press a button and the tube brakes open*

*After the tube brakes the thing in it activates*

*After the tube brakes the thing in it activates*

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???: *roars*

S: *jumping back before V can land a hit they get in a fighting stance* P-46 attack the drone in front of you tell there nothing but scrap

*P-46 Swings at Y/N how moves out and manages to only get a scratch*

Y/N: ! fuck

V; Y/N!

S: don't pay too much attention to them *sends their stinger at V* or you might die

V; ! *uses her swords to block S stinger*

*well V is fighting S Y/N is using their wings and is flying and doing their best to doge attacks coming from P-46 moving their hand the cause some lose screws to become thun needles and sends them at P-46 aiming for their eyes only hitting two before the rest are swatted away P-46 swats at Y/N with there Claws catching Y/N's tail going for another attack P-46 slams Y/N into a wall*

Y/N: !

V: Y/N! *jumping from where she was fighting S she slashes at P-46 causing it to take focus on her*

S: "Too bad I wasn't able to get the same effect as the sentinels flash even after all those test subjects well I can use whatever ever left of their bodies and try again"

*Y/N getting free from the wall and unlocking their bag they take out 4 of the metal sprayers and transforms them into a  a ton of big metal needles and send them at P-46 who was distracted by V hitting P-46 and breaking some of its armor*

Y/N: V! Iv made a hole in hit it 

*aiming for the crack in its armor V sinks her tail into it and a letting6 the acid flow from her tail before getting smacked away*

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