Chapter 8

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After getting healed once again by Aqua, who punched me right in the face for hardly any reason at all, I was given the entire summary of the situation that happened when I was unconscious.

Apparently, after bravely protecting my girlfriend like a main protagonist sacrificing himself for the one he cherishes the most, I was cursed into becoming a mere infant and had to be taken care of by the girls.

That sounds like a plot never officially used in any Isekai genres, so I won't call it cliché yet...

What I'm mostly surprised about is that I managed to not die a single time when I was an infant with these dangerous girls.

I thought Aqua would've given me some weird food that was poisonous to babies, and I would die a slow and painful death.

Meanwhile, Megumin would've either used Explosion within the vicinity and killed me in the process or taken me on some dangerous quest to try to force me to become an arch wizard in the future, getting me killed in the process.

As for Darkness... normally, I would've guessed that her past self would've also taken me on a dangerous quest, with her acting as the meat shield and potentially getting us kidnapped by monsters who eat human babies.

But I had forgotten about how she watched over Iris as a little kid and her younger cousin, Dustiness Ford Slyphina, whom I haven't actually met yet. From what I know, she told me that Dustiness Ford Slyphina is the spitting image of Darkness when she was younger.

So I had no assumptions for Darkness as of right now.

Though it still doesn't answer one thing...

"Why the hell am I naked?"

I demanded of all three of them, my tone a mix of bewilderment and irritation.

Two of them hastily averted their gazes, and the other one who had delivered a devastating knock out punch to me had simply left for the bathroom.

Not that I cared anyway about that certain blue-haired goddess; I know she doesn't harbor any secret feelings for me anymore.

"And why have you all decided to sleep next to me? Give me details..."

I was still naked, but I used the massive blanket to cover myself.

Also, I sounded like Darkness a bit there.

"Y-Your baby clothes must've torn open when you gradually grew larger during the night. The same goes for your diaper... Unfortunately, we didn't buy those retractable diapers that either grow larger or smaller depending on whether you're a baby or an adult."

Darkness said, showing me pieces of ripped fabric that were baby clothing with the color of green.

There are products like that?! Why do they exist, especially in this world?

"Yeah, but Aqua told me not to go near Wiz's shop for some reason when we went shopping, so I couldn't get it... Besides, we were slightly distracted by something that caught our eyes, so we didn't have enough time anyway..."


I feel like we were the only regulars of that woman's shop, besides Yunyun.

"Your clothes are still on your bed, folded neatly by Aqua. One thing that concerns me, is why she always folds your clothes whenever she sees them laid anywhere else in the mansion?"

That was one thing that concerned me as well. Surely, she isn't trying to put anything sharp in my clothing to annoy me because she would have done so already.

Perhaps it's just a nice gesture.

I ignored Darkness's question, trying to gather more information from the two of them.

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