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~ The reality of love ~

Love can come in different forms of shapes, people may say that love is just an emotion that we people express but it's more than that.

Love is something we feel towards people we care about, that feeling gives us strength and motivation in each day and night of our hardest lives. Though sometimes love can be something that we never expected it to be, love may not be like Cinderella and the Prince Charming or Belle and the Beast.

Love can be something so difficult that people never expected it, we may think that once we enter a relationship with our partner everything will be like "happily ever after" but it's way beyond that.

We may think that love is free but it has way too many requirements and can also cause expenses, love has alot of things that we need once we're in a relationship. Love can require many things such as money, full commitment, sacrifices, patience, hard work, control, open mindedness, maturity and more.

It's not easy to be in a relationship despite the love we feel with eachothers. Though it depends on how people will try to handle their relationships.

Love for me is kinda mysterious and difficult, each decisions we make leads to a path. A path that we don't know what the ending could be, we could only guess if it's either bad or good. Love can make us feel alot of things.

Love can make us feel like we're willing to sacrifice everything just to be with someone that we truly love, love can make us strong, love can give us motivation.

Though keep in mind, love isn't always about a boy or a girl that we'll be in a relationship with. Love can also be felt with other people such as family, pets and friends.

It's preferred to be in a relationship once we're adult because we can be more matured and open minded through situations but either way, while we still can spend time with our loved ones like family, friends and pets then what's stopping us? Our moments with them has its own value, a value that cannot be traded and a value that can't be sold or found in simple places.

Though there could be times where we won't have happy endings when it comes to love in relationships, we can still have other people that has been in our side during our lowest to our highest.

"There's always one thing we always wanted in our life and that is, to love and be loved." - Author .


The pain of love.

There may be times where we question ourselves one thing and that is: How do we deal with the pain of love?

There are times where our relationships won't work out, it hurts us alot of course because we've spent moments with them where we would feel happy, motivated, strong and more. Though some people may say "just get over it" your feelings are valid. Take the time you need to move past it.

Here are some things you could do to move on.

1. Forgive yourself.

- During the relationship we could make mistakes that we'd regret after ending the relationship, but we must know that sometimes the relationship is already done and we can't do anything from the past mistakes. It's already done and what we have to do is forgive ourselves from the things we've done, we don't have to suffer in the mistakes that already has been done.

2. Let it out

- You're heartbroken, you don't feel great and that's fine. Your feelings are valid so let it out, give yourself some days where you could rest and let it out. Don't feel guilty just because you let yourself rest and take time to move on from things that have happened to you. Learn to take some time for yourself too, you don't have to feel so pressured and act all happy around people, sometimes it's better for people to know how you're currently feeling so they could also bring you comfort or advices.

3. Be patience towards love

- There may be times where we get impatient on waiting for the right time to love or enter a relationship but we must know how to be patient, entering a relationship in such a bad time could make it difficult for you so as I said you must make time for yourself to move on.

4. Learn to love yourself

- Sometimes we could feel rather insecure about ourselves or feel lonely that's why we also need to learn how to love ourselves, there will come a day where we don't have no one but ourselves and if we don't love ourselves then how will we get through it without hating ourselves or every decision we make? Right, we may have imperfections but it isn't an excuse to not learn how to love ourselves because others have their own imperfections too, even celebrities.

5. Acceptance

- We need to accept the fact that everything that happened is already the way it is. Accepting things can take alot of time and work but it'll be worth it, there are alot of situations where we should really learn how to accept things such as the mistakes we've made, the fact that the relationship is already done and the way some things in life have to go.

There are alot of things we could do to move on from things but the most important thing is to never give up, please keep moving forward and you'll get to the point where you're satisfied with things and have accepted it.

"Sometimes it's us that makes ourselves suffer and not the things or people around us." - Author.

"For us to forget we need to forgive." - Author.


Authors note:

Honestly this chapter kinda makes me emotional especially because I'm listening to sad music but most important of all is me thinking about things or how far I've come.

I myself experienced alot of love difficulties but I've learnt to focus on myself and love myself, it helped me alot. It helped me to the fact that even at the toughest roads I've never once hated myself.

Some things are actually inspired by La la land which was one of the movies that hurted me desperately, I learned alot of things during the movie and it inspired me alot. I have watched it when I was a kid but I've never understood anything, but now that I'm more matured and open minded I understood it alot.

It made me realize that even if we truly love someone there are situations where we have to let them go.

Though I think they're both dumb since they gave up easily when they could've been together easily since they're both artists but I love Ryan gosling. It still makes me emotional until now

Anyways I hope this chapter helps you alot, if you ever want to vent I have linked my socials in my profile but for further more communication or if you don't have Instagram here are my lovely other socials:


Facebook (dump account) - Sayuri Yua Masaki

Twitter - lxv3yy_iraaxx

Instagram (link on profile) - _irxaaa


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