6 || 𓍲𓍯𓂃 Academics ꕀ

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"Academics isn't only about books, It's also about having a different perceptive and open mind towards things"  — Author.

Academics or school has always been something difficult to deal with, from time to time alot of people start to suffer from it.

Sometimes this particular thing can even bring us so much pressure that they can also effect our mental health and also physical health.

People nowadays have a hard time understanding particular lessons or have a hard time into being motivated to complete your tasks, having restless nights just to finish paperwork and many more!

Some people may do this because of the pressure of wanting to satisfy people around them or because of the bad environment around them.

Some people are afraid to speak up about how they feel or how bad the pressure they're feeling on school because they're afraid that their feelings can be invalidated by the people that surrounds them.

There are alot of times where people ask their children "How can you be tired when you're just studying and you just sit all day?" Making them feel like their feelings aren't valid, but let me remind you they are!

It's difficult but I'm here to try my best to make you feel validated and give you advices without harming your health!

Questions and answers!

• What are the bad effects of being pressured into academics?

— There are several bad effects into being pressured, it can lead into different types of things that are very bad for your health!

1. slowly losing yourself and your passion towards things, you'll stop doing the things you love and won't get to enjoy it as much as you used to do because you think more about the work you have in school.

2. Lack of time to socialise or hangout with the people you love, there are times where people may stop interacting with their friends or family losing communication and connection towards them.

The people we care about are valuable so we must know how to value them even at tough times, though some people may find it difficult because there are too much work I'll be here to give you some advices in the next topic/ question!

3. No balance towards things, the pressure may cause you to lose sense into things and make you lose balance towards your life and academics.

You may not notice that you're actually doing too much work that could lead into bad mental health or physical health and without you noticing it your health may be worser!

You may also find yourself not enjoying anymore and making yourself miserable since you're too busy doing things you're not happy or passionate about.

3.  Is it okay to take breaks and prioritize my mental health over academics when needed?

It is absolutely fine to do so, in fact it's recommend to take care of your health and prioritize it in times of need!

Taking care of your health both physically and mentally can even help you improve more on academics and it could make you feel less pressured.

Taking breaks could help you improve by having more balanced life and having a happier time despite the stress towards academics and any other problems.

4.  How can I communicate with my family and friends about my academic stress?

You can start off by first finding someone you're comfortable enough to trust with things and you think capable of comforting you and giving you the support you need.

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