7 || Bad habits 🌊

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"Whenever we look forward we notice that we have so much far ahead but whenever we look back we notice that we are already far from where we started."Author.

We always encounter being in a stage where we do bad habits, that can include things that are bad for your health yet something you can't stop or realize you keep doing.

It can take some time and progress to stop, but I think that as long as we have a solution to stop it we still have hope on doing so.

Questions and answers~

What is bad habits?

— Bad habits are almost similar to the habits we usually do or the things we're used to do but this time it can harm your health, some may find it difficult to stop doing it especially if they know it's bad for their health.

At the same time it's difficult dealing with it, but we have some solutions we can do to solve it or to stop doing these bad habits from happening!

•What are some examples of bad habits that can harm your health?

1. Not drinking enough water.

Some may think that not drinking enough water can't harm your health, but I'll tell you it really can!

Our body is filled with 70% of water and that helps us to stay hydrated from the heat and can also give us some energy, it's important to atleast drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated especially when the weather is hot!

It's important for you to atleast bring a bottle of water with you or a tumbler filled with water at all times.

2. Eating late at night

— Some may eat late at night without knowing it is kinda bad for your health, it's always important to eat at the right time!

Eating at night can also make you have a difficult time to sleep since food can bring us energy and at the same time wake us up.

3. Not getting enough exercise

— It's always important to take some simple exercises such as some walking or going out!

Some may find it a difficult to take some exercises because they're embarrassed but don't be! I think that it's normal for all of us to take some exercises especially if they can have some good benefits for our health or growth.

I'll give some advices after explaining all of the bad habits so no need to worry!

4. Overworking yourself too much.

— This can often happen to some students or people who have jobs without them even realising it, they can overwork themselves too much to the fact their body can't take it anymore!

Reminder to always have time management and limit your time of work, if you know your body can't take it anymore and need rest then do so! Even 35-40 minutes are enough for your body but always remember to take proper rest.

5. Biting your nails or your insides cheek.

— This one is pretty common! Alot of people are actually experiencing this and having a difficult time stopping themselves from doing it.

This one is also had for your health since if you also swallow your nail that contains bacteria and dirt it can transfer it to your stomach or effect your digestive system, your fingers might also be bruised if you keep biting it.

Biting the inside of your cheeks can also be the same, sometimes your insides cheeks might get infected or bruised if you also keep doing so.

It might sounds weird or disgusting but I think that we shouldn't be judgemental towards people who experience this, we never know the situation they're going through.

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