Months Later.

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Stu's POV
To answer my question, no, she didn't. She didn't tell me once, she didn't even tell me after the final exams. I had passed by the way thanks to her. I shocked the whole school when I had passed and it was pretty funny.

"I can't believe my baby is going to college!" My mum said happily. "Okay, mum," I said, a little embarrassed. Billy was over for the night with Tatum and Christy. Yasmin didn't come along as she was busy. She's always busy at the moment, and it sucked. Christy and Billy had been dating for 2 years now. "Which college are you going to again?" Christy asked me. "Windsor?" I said, confused.

"Oh, you will be with all of us then!" Christy said happily. Billy grinned, "Where's uh yasmin tonight?" I asked Billy as i looked out the window. "She's busy with something to do with college," Billy said awkwardly. He knew how much I missed her. "Oh, couldn't she have done that tomorrow or something?" I asked him sadly. "No, she said it needed to be done." Billy said awkwardly.

"You know how much college means to her, Stu," Tatum said sadly. "Yeah," I said, sighing and sitting on the sofa. My mind kept wandering to her, I really missed her. "I'm going to go surprise her," I said, jumping off the sofa. "She's stressed out," Billy warned me. "I'll chill her out," I said, grinning. "Horror movies, anyone?" Billy asked the girls. Christy cheered, and Billy sorted a movie out.

I grabbed my keys off the table and headed for the car. I hope she has missed me too..

Who would have thought getting ready for college would be so annoying?! "Yasmin!" My mother shouted from downstairs. "What?" I questioned her. It was quite annoying having her here, but she insisted as she wanted to stay with me and Billy. Her and dad argued quite often, though, since what happened.

Also, our mother was the only one who knew about what Billy and Stu did. Billy ended up telling her, "Which I still think to this day is dumb." I don't trust that woman. "Come down, you've been stuck in that room since you turned 19" my mother shouted to me. I rolled my eyes and looked in th3 mirror.

Ugh, I look a mess. Oh,well. I went downstairs dressed in my night dress as my father was out for the night. He decided that he needed to get away from his mother. "I need you to watch the house," my mother said. She was dressed up, oh I see. She didn't want to see me or check if I was okay. She just wanted to tell me she was off out again.

"Mmhm," I sighed as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. "It's very unladylike, you know," Mother said, gesturing to my beer. "I'm 19, Debbie. I can do what I please, " I said, rolling my eyes at her. "I'm your mother, you call me mother!" My mother said, annoyed. "Whatever," I muttered as I took another sip of the beer.

The doorbell went, "Go get that for me, would you, sweetheart?" My mother said as she fixed her lipstick. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, I opened the door, and there stood Stu. "Oh uh Stu" I said, embarrassed. Stu's eyes roamed up my body, then landed on me. "Who is it, sweetie?" My mother asked politely.

Ugh, fake Persona much. "It's my boyfriend," I said, taking another sip of the beer. My mother came to the door and greeted Stu. "Would you mind looking after the house with Yasmin tonight?" She asked sweetly. Is she joking me? "No, of course not," Stu said as he entered the house. "Yasmin throw that beer away," my mother said as she looked outside.

I gave her a look, "Ah, I'm going now. Behave, " my mother said as she left the house. I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger up at the door. "It's nice to see you," Stu said as he sat down on the sofa. Stu looked the same still. It really had been months. I hadn't realised until now.

"It's nice to see you too," I said awkwardly. I had a feeling he was annoyed with me. "A call or something would have been nice, you know Stu said sighing. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just been so focused on sorting everything out," I said even more awkwardly. "I exist though, I'm your boyfriend, and I haven't seen you in months, babe," Stu said, sighing again.

I felt bad, really bad. I walked over to the sofa and placed my beer on the table. I then walked over to Stu and sat on his lap like I used to. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his beautiful eyes. "I've missed you," Stu said, looking into my eyes too. I kissed Stu, and he kissed me back. "I'm sorry that I've not been around," I said, sighing. "We had your party for your 19th, and then that's it. You got super busy," Stu said, sighing too.

I kissed Stu again, feeling super bad. He accepted the kiss again. It was a gentle sad kiss at first, but it quickly turned rough. Stu gripped my hips and held me down on his lap. We pulled away for a breath, "I've missed doing that," Stu said, grinning at me. "I've missed that grin," I said, smiling at him. "Just don't lock yourself away anymore, okay?" Stu asked me, hopeful. "I promise I won't," I said as we kissed again.

"Oh, uh, I got into college, by the way," Stu said as we pulled away again. "Oh, what college?" I asked him, hoping it was Windsor. It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't, I still hadn't told him. "Wait, there's something I need to tell you, Stu," I said awkwardly. Stu raised an eyebrow at me. "I uh, I got into Windsor college. I found out before we graduated woodsboro High, " I said, feeling nervous.

"Oh, I know, I was just waiting for you to tell me," Stu said, rolling his eyes. "Wait, you know?!" I asked him, shocked. "I overheard you talking to Tatum, but I was waiting for you to tell me," Stu said, looking at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you. Windsor is quite far away, " I said sadly. "I know," Stu said, sighing.

I'll take it that he didn't get into Windsor then. I sighed sadly, and so did he. "What college did you get into then?" I asked him, trying to change the sad subject. "Somewhere local," Stu said awkwardly. Oh god, this would turn into a long-distance relationship!

"Do you wanna maybe watch a movie?" I asked Stu awkwardly. "I was thinking you could maybe come to mine?" Stu asked me. "I have to watch the house for Debbie," I said, sighing. "Oh, okay. We can watch a movie then, " Stu said as he snuggled into me. I smiled and took a moment to enjoy the snuggle.

I mean this snuggle. This night would be the last for a while. Stu picked a movie, and we cuddled up with the lights off. I really enjoyed his company, I loved this boy. We watched a couple more movies when the front door opened. I heard giggling, which belonged to Christy, which meant Billy was home.

"I'm home, but I'm going upstairs," Billy announced to the house. I laughed as I heard Billy go upstairs with Christy. "That's no sleep for me tonight," I groaned whilst laughing. "You could always sleep at mine?" Stu offered me with a cheeky grin. "Yeah, I doubt I'd be sleeping," I said, grinning back at him. "You would.. eventually, " Stu said cheekily. I laughed whilst rolling my eyes.

We carried on watching the current movie until it finished. It was late now, 11pm. "I should get some sleep now," I said to Stu sadly. "Yeah, I mean you could always sneak to mine after Debbie gets home," Stu said, grinning. "Maybe," I said, sighing. I wouldn't be, I really had to finish what I was sorting. Stu knew I wouldn't, too.

"Well, I guess this is goodnight then," Stu said as we walked to the front door. We had grown a little distant over the months. Tonight was lovely, but knowing that I'd be far away from him hurt me a lot. "Goodnight," I said as he kissed me. That would be the last kiss now.

I was going to Windsor at the weekend. He would be staying in woodsboro to go to a local college. I was super proud of him. He still managed to get into college.

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