Fed up

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(I will be changing it up a bit, so the ending and stuff may be different)

I sighed heavily. Who knew if I'd survive this night? I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. "Yasmin, it's okay to break, shatter if you need to," Hallie said, looking at me sympathetically. I opened my eyes and looked at dewey, Gale, and Hallie. "I'd really like to be left alone," I said, shaking my head. Dewey furrowed his eyebrows, "The Police are waiting outside. They're are going to take you some place safe, " Dewey said, knowing I wouldn't be happy about that.

I just wanted to live a normal teenage girl life, attend college, graduate, maybe even marry Stu, and have children when I was older, but that just wasn't possible for me. I feel like it will never be possible. My fate was sealed to be the final girl forever..

"Dewey, there's no such place," I said, sighing. If ghostface wanted to kill me, which he does, I won't be safe anywhere. He will find me. Dewey sighed heavily, "Humour me, yaz," Dewey said. I nodded, knowing I wouldn't win this one and starting to pack some things. "Can I come with her?" Hallie suddenly asked. I looked at Hallie, shocked, "No, Hallie, I'm not gonna take you down too. I'll be alright, " I said, knowing the danger of being with me.

"Yaz, I'll come with you," Gale said. I looked at Gale and raised an eyebrow, "But who would operate your camera?" I said, confused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, Dewey opened the door cautiously and saw Joel standing with a police guard. "He's cool, Remy," I said to the police guard with a nod. The police guard ushers Joel inside, and he says hello to everyone. "I'm coming with you Yasmin" Hallie explains to me, she isn't taking no for answer.

I heard Dewey talking to Gale about something, and then he popped his head around. "Hey, I got stuff to do. But I'll find you later, okay?" Dewey said to me. "Whatever," I responded. "Dewey!" I shouted as he left the room. Dewey popped his head back round with a gentle smile, "Yes, Yaz?" Dewey asked sweetly.

"Please, if you see Stu, please tell him that I love him," I said, worrying about my life. Dewey shook his head sadly, "Please, Dewey, just in case," I said, sighing. Dewey breathed heavily but finally nodded his head. "I will tell him, I promise." Dewey said, and then he left the room. I have to be tough about this, I can't break down and cry or shatter like Hallie said. I have to be strong. "You will tell Stu yourself" Hallie said gently smiling at me.

After packing some more stuff into a bag, I followed the police guards down to the police car and got into the backseat. I sighed heavily and then looked at the police in front of me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked trying to be tough again. "Actually, I don't know" the police guard said. My heart dropped, "We're meeting another car that will transport you the rest of the way" The other police guard said. Hallie looked at me and I shrugged.

Must be far? "Safety precautions" The police guard spoke up. Maybe not far then? "I feel like Eddie Murphy" I said looking at the two police guards. The police car stops at a traffic light, "We feel like Kevin Costner" The police guard said. I smiled but just as I smiled the passenger door is ripped open and the police guard is yanked out the car. The police guard cried out but not for long.

Hallie and I scream as we watch the police guard struggle with his seatbelt. This is it.. I'm dead. Shit! Rhis is why i didnt want Hallie with me! The police guard manages to grab his gun but ghostface has already slit his throat and then even put the car into drive mode. We scream and scream whilst trying to get the stupid car door open but nothing works. I try to even kick the window through but that doesn't work either.

We scream as loud as we can hoping anyone nearby will hear and help us. I look around the car looking for any way out possible and then I see the ghost through the rear view window, I make eye contact which sends a shiver down my spine.

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