Windsor College

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The day arrived, I got out of my car and looked up at the massive building. I was finally at Windsor College. Why didn't I feel excited then? Maybe because I missed Stu. Billy, Christy, and Tatum had already arrived. I had to take a stop between driving to grab something from the local petrol station.

I locked my car and went to find everyone. Apparently, we would be meeting up at a picnic table in the middle of the college. I looked around as I made my way to the guys. "Ugh, I'm so lost," I said, getting irritated. "You must be so annoyed if you are talking to yourself" A guy said chuckling. I looked over to where the voice came from. "I'm lost, the college is massive and I'm trying to find my brother and my friends" I explained to him.

"Ah, where are they?" The guy asked me nicely. "They are waiting at some place with picnic tables apparently" I said realising how dumb it sounded. "Oh, I know where they are!" The guy said happily. "Oh thank goodness, could you help me?" I asked his name so it was less awkward.

"Oh Mickey, Mickey Altieri" Mickey says as he holds his hand out for me to shake. "Cool, my name is Yasmin" I said nodding at him. "No last name?" Mickey asked me curious. I decided to ignore that question and carried on following him. He noticed me ignore it too. We finally reached my friends and Billy. "You made it!" Tatum said as she rushed over to hug me. I hugged her back thankful that I was with people I knew.

"Yasmin who's this?" Tatum said staring at Mickey. "Mickey, he helped me find you guys" I explained as I took a seat at the table. "Stu won't be too happy" Christy muttered. I decided to ignore that comment, Stu wasn't here and Mickey was only helping me find them.

"My name is Tatum" Tatum said flirtatious to Mickey. Mickey didn't seem interested though, "You can sit with me" Tatum said grinning. Mickey did accept Tatum's offer and sat with her. I looked around and noticed couples, many of them. God I missed Stu, so much.

"Oh guess what!" Tatum said giddily to me. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "We have a surprise for you!" Christy joined in excitedly. What the? "Okay?" I said confused. "God you get so much more like your brother everyday" Tatum complained laughing. "Hey, that's not fair. I'm just a quiet boy" Billy said offended. "What's the surprise?" I asked impatiently. "Look over there" Billy said grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to where they were pointing. Stu stood there with his goofy grin on his face, Wait stu! I jumped up from the table and ran over to him. His arms wrapped around me, "I thought you didn't get in?" I asked him almost in tears. "Surprise" He said grinning. I was so happy right now. "I had to study as hard as I could so i could get into Windsor to be with you" Stu explained to me. I kissed Stu with happiness.

I walked back over to the table holding Stu's hand. I was so happy he was here. "Oh I know who you are now" Mickey said to Tatum as we sat down at the table. Well stu sat down at the table, I was sat on his lap with his arms around me. "Oh?" Tatum asked Mickey confused. "You are Tatum Riley right?" Mickey asked her excited. "Um yeah" Tatum said confused.

"That means you are Billy Loomis" Mickey said turning to look at Billy. Billy shrugged confused. "And if he's your brother that makes you Yasmin Loomis and you Stu Macher" Mickey said getting even more excited. "Um?" I said awkwardly.

"What about it?" Billy asked Mickey. "I've heard all about you guys and the massacre at woodsboro" Mickey explained. "Um, so your like a fan or something?" Christy asked confused. "Yeah, mostly of her though" Mickey said looking at me. I felt Stu's embrace get a little tighter. "You are awesome! Final girl" Mickey said excitedly. I could tell Stu was getting jealous.

"Okay, what are you studying?" Tatum asked trying to gain his attention. I was very thankful for that. "I'm a film student" Mickey said proudly. "Ooh awesome" Tatum said smiling at him. "What are you studying Yasmin?" Mickey asked completely ignoring Tatum. "I'm studying medicine" I said with a smile.

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