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Phone calls are italic...
I woke up to the phone ringing and groaned. Stu hadn't stayed over last night as he was with my brother. I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the phone. I picked it up with a yawn.

"Hello?" I asked down the phone. "Hello" a deep voice said down the phone. "Who is this?" I asked confused. "What's your favourite scary movie?" The deep voice asked ignoring my question. "Again who is this?" I asked ignoring the question. "You tell me" the voice said creepily. I rolled my eyes. Okay he wants to play this game.

I grabbed something next to the phone and read the name. "Cory Gillis, 442-8730" I said rolling my eyes even more. The phone went silent on the other hand, ha I knew it. "Prank phone calls are a criminal offense prosecuted under penal 653M" I started to explain but the phone went dead on the other end.

"Enjoy your movie idiot" I muttered to myself. I then walk to my wardrobe and get changed ready for the day ahead. I think everyone is meeting at the same place, it became our meeting place just like the fountain did at woodsboro. I grabbed my keys and left the house, I unlocked my car and drove to Windsor college.

I could actually walk but I just didn't feel like it this morning. I met up with everyone as usual. Stu was hugging me tightly as usual when Mickey turned up. There was no use trying to explain to Stu about Mickey, he had made his mind up. "Guys have you heard" Tatum said as she pulled up to the table. "What?" I asked confused.

Just then news reporters ran over to us. "Yasmin, did you know the victims?" One news reporter said eagerly. I looked at them confused, "Do you feel responsible for the murders?" Another news reporter said. Wait what! "What murders?" I asked confused. The news reporter ignored my question.

"Do you think there will be more murders?" Another news reporter asked. My heart starts to swell as the news reporters keep asking me more questions, they even managed to knock Stu out the way who was angry but Billy held him back. "Oh my god, did you kill them last night?" A female news reporter asked.

"Have you finally snapped after what happened in woodsboro?" She asked again. I felt myself getting angry, how dare she ask that question. Before I could say anything though the female news reporter was punched in the face. She fell to the floor shocked, I turned around to see Gale.

"Quick, get outta here" Gale said to me. "What's going on?" I asked her confused. "Just go, I'll find you later and explain" Gale said as she managed to hold the reporters off. I ran as fast as I could away from the reporters but some were catching up to me. I heard Stu and Billy shouting at them.

"Hop on Yaz" a male voice shouted to me. I noticed a security cart and ran as fast as I could. I took the risk and jumped for it and found myself safely in the hands of Dewey Riley. I took a minute to catch my breath as he drove away from the reporters. "What's going on dewey?" I asked him confused. Dewey looked at me with the same safe smile. "It'll be alright" Dewey said as he carried on driving away.

My mind was racing with questions. Murders? Me murdering someone? What the hell? "Two students were murdered last night at the theatre whilst watching stab" dewey explained to me. My heart thumped, "Wait whilst watching stab, why didn't anyone do anything? There must of been people there right?" I asked Dewey confused.

"Many people, three hundred to be exact" Dewey explained to me. "Three hundred watched stab and none of them did anything" I said feeling disgusted. "That's the thing, they thought it was a publicity stunt" Dewey explained awkwardly. Oh my god. "How did that even happen?" I asked Dewey worried a little.

"They don't know, it was carefully planned. Earlier in the day way before stab premiered, the victims were handed passes to the movie but they were anonymous passes" Dewey explained to me. "It's gotta be a copycat killer, I knew as soon as that movie premiered this would happen. Stupid fucking movie" I said angrily. Dewey stopped driving as we reached another building.

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