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A few nights later, after we finish dinner, I grin at him as I'm washing the dishes.

"What's the silly grin for?" He inquires. "If you're planning to get me drunk and have your wanton way with me, I won't complain. But I'll let you in on a secret." Harry leans close to my ear and whispers, "You don't have to get me drunk first."

Laughing, I dry the final dish, putting it away before turning to him. "I've got a surprise for you."

"Truly? I Iove a surprise!"

"Do you? Or do you just love when someone else is surprised?"

The man actually contemplates my question before he answers, and it's sweet. "You know, it takes a lot to surprise me these days. Like truly surprise me. So I can't answer your question purely because I've not been in that situation lately."

"Oh! Well then I can't wait to see if this does the trick." Tilting my head, I examine him. "Hmmmm..."

"Uh oh," Harry mutters. "That look scares me."

Casually, I run my hand across his shoulders. "Just trying to decide if I should make you wear a blindfold."

"I see. So it's that kind of surprise, is it?" The way he raises his eyebrow makes me think lecherous thoughts, and I clamp down on them as that's not my priority tonight.

Okay, yes. Having sex with my fuck buddy is always a priority, but now that I know it's a sure thing (and has been for several weeks now), it's not the most important thing. Second perhaps. Maybe third sometimes. But tonight I'm determined to make him happy in non-sexual ways which is why I've concocted this scheme.

Shaking my head, I smile at him. "Keep your kit on! You're too horny."

"Is there really such a thing as 'too horny'?" He grins at me, and I can't help the giggle that escapes at his words.

Quickly, I let the dogs outside while Harry uses the loo. When everyone in my life has urinated (a healthy and vastly underrated biological need), I caution the dogs with a finger wag, making sure they understand they are to behave while we leave the house. Not that I'm worried in the slightest. The most mischief they will get in is to lie on the sofa.

"I'll drive," I announce as I move to steer him away from the driver's side of my truck. "You don't know where we're going."


He twists his head to look at me when we are near Ellis' house. "Why didn't we take the shortcut if we're heading here?"

"Because we're not heading here. We're going a bit further down the lane." As we get closer to our destination, I begin to feel disappointment that I hadn't made him wear a blindfold. "Close your eyes!" I command.

"Seriously?" Harry whines.

"If you don't close your eyes, I'll turn around and you'll never get to see the surprise."

Obediently, Harry follows my direction, putting a hand over his eyes in addition to closing them.

"No peeking!" I fuss at him as we arrive. Once I'm parked and the engine is off, I twist to him. "Okay, now."

He removes his hand, looking out of the window, confusion evident. "A church? My surprise is a church? Is Hozier inside?"

"Well that would be quite astonishing since I didn't invite him, but I suppose anything is possible. Come on!" Exiting the car, I barely wait for his door to shut before he's following me. When he walks towards the front entrance, I tug his arm. "Not the sanctuary, Harry. Over here." Leading him around to the back, I withdraw a key from my pocket, twisting it in the lock. With a creak, the door opens, and we step into the echoing silence. "This way," I whisper.

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