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Tiptoeing out of the bedroom while Harry continues to sleep, I make my way downstairs to the outdoor patio, turning on the gas fireplace and removing the cover from the couch. While the area heats up, I make my way into the kitchen on the opposite side of the house, turning on the kettle and rummaging through the variety of teas in the fancy wooden box on the counter until I find a breakfast tea. While the kettle warms the water, I use the time to slice strawberries, cantaloupe, and some of that cheddar from last night.

With a nosh ready, I tighten the belt on my robe and am once again grateful for the non-slip surface on the socks I've chosen. I'd like to brag and say that I'm wearing nothing at all underneath the robe – or that I'm wearing sexy lingerie that's but a whisper of silk on my skin.

Let's be real. I'm an ordinary veterinarian who happens to be pregnant – and cold. So I'm fully clothed under this robe, wearing fleece joggers, a long-sleeved tee, and a really cute jumper that Emma had purchased – probably from a charity shop. It's an oversized ivory jumper with large black and white spotted cows on it. It made me smile when I saw it on the hanger in the wardrobe this morning, so I pulled it over my bare body.

With my cup of tea and the fruit plate, I wander back across the interior of the house to the outdoor patio, the fireplace sizzling and the space warming up nicely. Placing my food on the coffee table, I rummage in the cabinets, locating a cosy blanket. Settling on the couch, I make myself as comfortable as a human can be, listening to the birds singing in the trees as they awaken.

Picking up my phone, I navigate to Favourites and select the only person I want to talk to this morning.

"Anna? Why are you calling, love? You're supposed to be enjoying your mini-holiday."

"Dad," I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Did you really think I could survive a whole weekend without my girls? Where are they?" I don't ask how they are because I'm not sure I want to hear my dad's assessment of Piper.

"Och, they're right here. You silly lass."

I can hear the smile in his voice, but I've no idea if he's calling me a silly lass or one of the dogs. Pressing the button for FaceTime, I wait for my dad's face to pop into the picture. Instead, I get a high quality look at Shortbread's nose as she snuffles at the phone.

"Hi, sweet girl! Are you behaving for your grandad?" She shakes her head and smiles – or at least I assume it's a smile, but then her black nose disappears to make way for another face – this one decidedly less chipper. "Aw, Piper! Is Nan treating you well? How's my good girl?" The phone moves so I can witness my girl's tail thumping on the wood floors.

"They clearly miss you," my father announces as his eyes appear on the screen. "And don't you look relaxed!" His exclamation is touching.

"It's a lovely place, Dad, even though it's too big for me to really conceive of living here. I was worried my tea would get cold before I crossed the estate to the place where I wanted to sit." My giggle makes him smile.

"You seem so happy," and he sighs contentedly. "It's all I've ever wanted for you."

My eyes light up, which quickly reminds me that I hate seeing my face on these calls. "I needed this time alone with Harry. He's so good to me, and I can tell he's going to be an amazing father. When Piper was just out of surgery, Harry carried her everywhere so she didn't tear her stitches. He's a wonderful dog daddy, so I'm confident those skills will translate into a human baby daddy."

"That doesn't surprise me – if he's around enough anyway."


He holds up his hand. "I know that sounds like your mum, but she's got a point. It's not like he's got a job in the same town as you."

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