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"Today's the day!" I smile when I get downstairs a few days after the Kelly Clarkson Show. Arran looks at me with an indulgent smile.

"The day for what?" He asks, giving me the opening I wanted.

"Harry's coming home!"

My intern laughs. "Missed him?"

"More than I can say" is my truthful response. "And don't you dare think that I haven't been grateful to you for all you've done in his absence to take care of me." From behind my back, I produce a box wrapped in a bow, placing it on the kitchen table in front of Arran.

"What's this?" One eyebrow raises, and I smile as I skip to the kettle to pour the water for my tea.

"A thank you."

"You already thanked me. Multiple times."

"Yeah, well..." I shuffle my feet. "This is just proof of my gratitude." When he shakes his head, clearly fumbling for words, I circumvent his comments. "We don't have all day. Open it!"

Arran pulls on one end of the ribbon, and the box is soon free of the adornment. Peeling off the lid, Arran folds back the tissue paper, and I watch as his expression of befuddlement turns to one of joy.

"Anna..." He breathes, looking at me. "You didn't!"

"I did," I grin. "Try it on!"

Standing, Arran removes the lab coat and draws it onto his sturdy frame, smoothing his hand over the spot where his name is embroidered: Dr. Arran Wharton. The pride on his face would be enough to light up a thousand dark caves, and he hugs me tightly.

"I'm... overwhelmed," Arran whispers in my ear just as Paddy enters the kitchen from the clinic.

"Well, fuck it all. Harry will have my head if he finds out the two of you are having an affair," Paddy jokes.

Arran and I both laugh, stepping apart, and I wipe a tear from my cheek.

"Dr. Anna had me try it on when it arrived to make sure it would fit," Paddy reveals, "Looks good on you, Dr. Arran. Better than it did on me. What's the plan today?" The bodyguard continues to talk. "Am I picking Harry up at the airport in Paisley?"

"No." I swallow my excitement at the idea of seeing my boyfriend. "He says he's safer than I am right now, so he's travelling with one of his managers."

"But someone –" Arran pointedly looks at me, "-- is taking the afternoon off."

"Really?" Paddy seems surprised, and I try to recall if I'd mentioned my plans to him or not. Things happen so quickly these days that I can barely stay on top of my schedule, so it wouldn't shock me to know I hadn't shared the upcoming events with my bodyguard.


"Sorry," I murmur. "I meant to tell you. Really I did. It's just that things..."

"Got crazy?"

"Were normal," I laugh, and both men join me. "I've got an appointment with Astrid this afternoon, now that I know she didn't intend for that video to go viral. She's going to do something with my wild hair and maybe apply some makeup."

"Nice," Paddy grins. "But how will Harry recognise you?"

I smack the bodyguard on the upper arm, which provides me with a quick reminder that the man is made of bricks. I could seriously hurt myself hitting him. "Hush. I want to be desirable when he gets here. Plus, I'm delivering that bull terrier to Astrid. His owner apparently passed away, and when the door was opened by family members, he took off in terror. The owner's children aren't interested in another dog, so they asked me to place him."

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