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Back in the pub, we stop by the bar, ordering our drinks from Brodie who doesn't even ask me what I want. He simply removes the non-alcoholic beer from the fridge and adds it to our order. Returning to the table with pints for each of the men, I smile encouragingly at Blair who nervously shakes her head in my direction as if to say, "This is a horrible idea." I ignore her nonverbal communication.

"We need a team name," I announce. "Blair and I have always been Paradox when we play –"

"That's funny," Arran interrupts, "cause you're a pair of doctors. Cute."

"Blair came up with it." No reason for him not to know how clever she can be. Plus it can't hurt to pump up her ego, I remind myself as I see her secret smirk when she ducks her head.

"How about The Winners?" Paddy suggests. "Claim the inevitable up front."

"Too 'on the nose'," Arran objects, adding, "That would be as bad as if we went with 'And in Last Place'..."

"I like that one!" Blair bursts out, then visibly freezes. Seems she's not feeling very confident now that she's decided to pursue my intern.

"Quizzy McQuizFace?" I offer to draw attention away from her, and I get shot down instantly. Except for Blair who sends me a look of gratitude across the table.

"Never Gonna Quiz You Up?" Paddy proposes, which I personally think is cute.

"Oh! Better Late Than Pregnant!" Blair exclaims, and I glare at her while the males at our table howl in laughter. It's actually funny, but I'm not going to surrender and admit it.

"The Quizzard of Oz?"

"Get Smart?"

"Victorious Secret!"


Les Quizerables!"

Everyone gets quiet after that one, but it doesn't get any votes, so we just stare at each other until Paddy looks around, bites his lip, and puts forth "Smarty Pints?"

The grin spreads over my face as I also watch Blair's lips widen. When we both turn to Arran with our beaming faces, he rolls his eyes before capitulating. "Okay. Fine. Smarty Pints it is."

For the first few rounds, we hold our own as a team. Although we're not in the top three spots, we're also not at the bottom. But when Brodie announces that the next category is going to be Star Trek, Blair's face lights up, and I beam at her.

"Oh, yeah! We've got this one!" I high five her across the table, as I am well aware of her penchant for devouring any Star Trek content.

"Wait," Arran says quietly, "You're a Trekkie?" His tone conveys disbelief, and although I want to kick him, I choose not to, especially when it dawns on me that this is the first thing they've had in common outside of being my babysitters.

This could be exactly what the doctor ordered. Passing the answer sheet to the two of them, I sit back and gesture for Paddy to do the same.

"What?" he mumbles.

"Let the experts take this one." His eyebrow raises as he looks between the two of them before his eyes roam the pub once more, as they've done since our arrival. Unsure what he's watching for, I follow his gaze and spy nothing unusual. Apparently, neither does Paddy as he seems content when he focuses back on my bestie and my housemate.

Their heads are close together, and Arran is holding the pen. The moment feels tense. Brodie asks the first question, "Who was the first real astronaut to appear in any Star Trek episode?"

I watch as Blair whispers something and Arran quickly scribbles it on the paper. Their hands shoot up simultaneously to indicate they've got the answer first, and Brodie comes to check, nodding and giving them points for having the correct answer, and for having it first.

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