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The house is silent when I awaken, and I blearily glance at the clock before jumping up as though I've been fired from a pistol. How did I oversleep? Why had no one awakened me? Looking around, I see that even Shortbread has deserted me in my time of need. Chuckling at my dramatic flair this morning, I gather my hair into a messy bun, run a toothbrush with a squiggle of paste around my mouth, rinse, and get dressed in a pair of leggings with one of the maternity shirts Gemma had sent.

Racing down the stairs, I am surprised to find a bran muffin and a banana on a plate on the table with a note that says "Eat me". Grinning, I take a bite of the muffin and turn to prepare my morning cup of tea. My travel mug is already out and there's water in the kettle, with the breakfast tea nearby ready to go. Turning on the kettle, I enjoy another bite of the muffin as well as some of the banana.

It's almost like Harry's here to take care of me.

The thought stops me in my tracks. He's not here, right? He couldn't have gotten back here this quickly. So that means I have either Arran or Paddy to thank for brekkie. Not that it matters.

Pouring the hot water over my tea, I screw the lid on the mug with the tea bag hanging over the side. My grandmother will be churning in her grave at my haphazard and less-than-traditional approach to making tea, but a modern woman cannot do everything.

Realising that the dogs aren't around, I pause for a moment in the quiet of the morning. This is the sort of break I don't normally get, so I decide to take a minute or two enjoying it. Tilting my head, I eat the last bite of banana and listen to the birds singing outside. For the first time in ages, I talk at our foetus.

"Hi, little one. I hope you're doing well. It's been a whirlwind, hasn't it? You're halfway to being here with us, and I'm halfway to being a working mum with no time to breathe." I sigh. "Not that the future will be any different as I've no time to breathe even now."

Chuckling to myself, I nab another piece of the muffin. "Your father is an interesting man. On the one hand, he's what many would consider an A List Celebrity. His name is synonymous with success. He travels the world, performs for millions of people, and has the bank account to prove it."

After taking a sip of tea, I continue, "On the other hand, your father is just Harry. He's the guy who wants to be here with us all the time, prefers wearing comfy clothes and mucking about in the kitchen. How lucky are you that you'll get to experience both sides of him?"

With a last rub on my belly, I take a deep breath and open the door to the clinic, grabbing my coat off the hook by the door.

"Morning, Dr. Anna," Kai announces as I pass one of the exam rooms, and I return the greeting with a wave.

Piper and Shortbread, having heard my name or perhaps having smelled me, rush in my direction, jumping up as though they haven't seen me in decades, their tails wagging in unison in some funny and bizarre coincidence.

"Dr. Anna, I trust breakfast was sufficient?" Arran smiles as he steps into the hallway from another exam room.

"It was lovely, Arran. Thank you." My smile attempts to convey my genuine gratitude. "And thank you for allowing me the extra sleep." Petting my dogs, I encourage them to lie down. Piper obeys, but Shortbread isn't sold on the idea yet as she waits by my side, her head nudging my hand to pet her.

"That was Paddy's idea. He said you were looking tired last night."

"Oh," I blink. It's true, but I don't necessarily want to be thought of as the tired one. "Where is he?"

"In the waiting room talking to a client." With no more explanation than that, Arran returns to the patient he was seeing.

Striding into the front, I nod to Cara before I spy Paddy sitting in a chair next to a woman I've seen around town, but whose name escapes me. Or maybe I never knew it. Paddy looks up when he spies me in the doorway, and Shortbread heads straight to the rugged man, sitting on her haunches next to him.

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